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October 17, 2011

Catching Up

Went to Disney World with my Dad and Sister over the weekend. Had a great time riding rides and doing a lil wine tasting during the International Wine Festival. It Got Ugly!!

Anyways, back on the rails today.

I hit my second workout the morning before we left to go to Disney.

A: Power Clean Singles  - 10 Minute clock. Technical/Heavy Reps
B:Pendlay Rows@ 31X2 5-7 reps, rest 2 min x 3
On a 3 minute clock:
Airdyne Sprint - 10 Cals
15 Anch. Situps
10 Pull ups
Rest remaining time x 5 sets

A: 205 - form was ugly. This wasn't my 1RM.. just sorta testing the waters here with this movement.
B: 115 x 7 x 3
Felt like I pushed it the entire time and kept the pace up each set. The only thing that I lost was my grip. It just completely failed on me on the 4th and 5th rounds. My hands are so out of shape. I've been doing pull ups on nice soft cushion bars all summer. Need to get my hands back in shape!

A: Front Squat @ 21X1 5-7 reps, rest 3 min.
B: Rev Sled Drag, consistent pace, Toe to Heel for :60, rest 4 mins walking. x 4
C: DB Walking Lunges, Mod Load, 16 steps, rest :45 x 3
3 Sets at 85% Effort
10 Cals on Airdyne
20 Anchored Situps
10 KBS Heavy
rest 3:30

A: 165/175/185/190F x 4
B: 180# sled
C: 45# DB's
Triplet felt good. rounds were around 1:30 - 1:40 (I didn't really pay attention to time, just effort)
used a 2 pd and focused on stayin in the heels and not standing up on my toes. Each rep was flat foot entire time with lots of hip drive.

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