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June 6, 2011

Monday Training and Diet Day 119

A: Bent over DB row @ 20X1; 12-15; rest 90 sec. X 4.
B: Strict Chins @ 30X0; AMRAP X 3.
C: Back Squat @ 30X0; 10-8-6-4; rest 3 minutes b/t sets


A: 55 x 15/ 65 x 10/ 60 x 12
B: 7/7/6
C: 135 x 10/ 185 x 8/ 225 x 6/ 245 x 4 (4th set had a little spot so I'll say 3 reps)
I also could have started the set of 10 at 185 and gone up from there. I'll know better next time.

Got a good story from the gym today.. This place only has one squat rack so on busy days, like this afternoon, you end up sharing the rack. So I'm about to start my warm up and another guy rolls up and asks to work in. So I go thru my normal warm up - bar for 8-10 reps x 2 or 3, then 95, 135 until I hit my working weight. This kid throws 185 on the bar for his first warm up set, squats down about 3 inches and back up, he repeats this small hip dip thruster for a set of 10 and rests. As I'm watching this I'm thinking to myself, "How am I going to get through this workout without explaining to this kid how to squat properly." So I figure I'll just bite my tongue, let him do his thing and I'll do mine. Well he brought the conversation to me. While we are resting he notices that I'm going all the way down in my squats and starts to tell me a story on how bad that is for knees. I then proceed to explain and show him the proper mechanics to a full depth squat and while I'm talking to this kid, a big power lifter strolls over, hearing the conversation, and helps me explain this to the kid. Earlier he was doing triples at 400#. He had a crazy story of how he broke his leg from improper form. So a couple minutes later with some heavy convincing, we got this kid to try a full depth squat in the heels not the toes. He was struggling with just the bar for sets of 10. He couldn't believe how big the difference was from his earlier form. So there ya go, just trying saving the world one swing and one squat at a time :)

BCAA and Creatine Solution

Meal 1 (7:30am)
3 Tbsp Coconut Oil with Cinnamon

Pre Wod BCAA's

Meal 3 (12:20 - 12:50pm)
Egg, Beef, and Spinach Loaf with Avocado and Salsa

Post Wod
BCAA and Creatine Solution
Meal 2 (4:20 - 4:30pm)
Chicken and Pumpkin Puree (50gP/10gC)

Meal 4 (6:00 - 6:45pm)
Beef, Oriental Veggie Blend (Broccoli, Carrots, and Water chestnuts) and Herdez Chili de Arbol Salsa

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 2,185
Total Protein: 165
Total Fat:  123
Total Net Carb: 53

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