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November 18, 2011

Friday Training

Warm Up:
Goblet Squat - Bottom Position Holds
Back Ext - Slightly Above Parallel to Floor, Focus on Posture and Thoracic Ext.

A: 3 Rounds of the Burgener Warm-up with Empty Bar
B: Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Jerk x 1 + OHS x 1, rest 2 min x 8
*work to a heavy but clean load
C: 3 Position Power Snatch (Thigh, Knee, Floor) x 3 Increase Load each set.

A: Complete
B: 135/155/165/175/185/190/195/200F/200 PR
C: 95/115/135

Haven't done any over head squatting since last year so this was an awesome feeling to hit a lifetime PR in this movement. Limiting factors here - posture and shoulder stability. Always ways to get stronger and I look forward to breaking this PR many more time down the road!

Snatch complex wasn't great.. still jumping forward here.. really need to spend some time on form with these O-Lifts. I'm going to start to dedicate one maybe two days a week to Tech Work on each lift.

Here is a video of one of my OHS working sets - 185# -

Here is the video of my 3 position Snatch complex - 115# -

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