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February 27, 2010

~Rest Day at Walt Disney World~

~ 15 Days til Sectionals~

While my parents are down visiting, we decided to get away for a day and spend some time in Disney World. It also happened to be the weekend ESPN was there doing all their live shows from the park. Got to see Maurice Jones Drew (running back of the Jacksonville Jags) and Steven Jackson (running back of the St. Louis Rams) talking to Dana Jacobson of ESPN2's "First Take"

I even managed to fit in a little crossfit WOD on the empty bus while moving from Park to Park.. Threw in a couple HSPU and Tabata Squats while waiting for the bus!!

February 25, 2010

Training Day 54

~16 Days til Sectionals~

Today's WOD:

4 Rounds for Time:
60 Unbroken Double Unders
30 Unbroken wall balls - 20# to 10ft


Time: 15:39


All wallballs were unbroken: First set, very easy and quick.. 2nd set, noticeably slower,..3rd set, I was jumping to get that damn ball up...4th set, destroyed me, no power and was jumping and throwing every rep just trying to block out the pain!! Last rep I just collapsed to the floor trying to find my air, stoked because I didn't quit! It would have been so easy to just let the ball drop and catch my breath!! Unbroken baby!

Dbl Unders: 54-6/34-26/27-20-13/21-26-13
My previous Unbroken dbl under record was 37 I think, without looking back at my notes.. First set I got 54!! I hit 50 and realized what I had just done and lost my tempo and concentration and caught my foot..Pumped and pissed at the same time.. All double unders were broken but a huge difference from just two weeks ago.

The past 2 weeks have been absolutely brutal... Tomorrow should be a nice rest day. Heading up to Disney World with my parents for the day to relax and ride some roller coasters!!

February 24, 2010

Training Day 53

~ 17 Days til Sectionals~

Today's WOD: 2 Parts

part 1
A. Split Jerk - 3,2,1,3,2,1; rest 240 sec
B. Front Squat - 3,3,3,3,3; rest 240 sec
C. GHD Sit Ups - 100 for time

rest as needed

part 2
1 min @ 50%/1 min @ 90%
2 min @ 50%/2 min @ 90%
3 min @ 50%/3 min @ 90%
4 min @ 50%/4 min @ 90%
3 min @ 50%/3 min @ 90%
2 min @ 50%/2 min @ 90%
1 min @ 50%/1 min @ 90%


Part 1)
A) 165/175/195/185/195/205# -PR'd by 10#
B) 165/170/180/185/190# -PR'd by 5#
C) Time: 6:49 PR by 31 seconds!

Great Day today.. No idea where it came from tho! My back was still very angry with me from yesterday! I was actually going to skip the GHDs but got on it and actually did the best to date full range of motion with both hands! Shocked is more the terms I would use. Also first time getting 200 over head!

Run/Sprints felt good!! Great Acceleration and Stamina

February 23, 2010

Training Day 52

~18 Days Til Sectionals~

Today's WOD:

5 x [as many rounds in 3 minutes of 7 Dead Lift - 225#/155#, 7 chin ups]
rest 3 min b/t rounds
(record total rounds and reps as score)


4 rounds
3 rounds + 7 Deadlifts
3 Rounds
3 Rounds
3 Rounds

Had to do strict non-kipping supinated grip (palms facing) chin ups due to a nasty rip in my hand.. Other than that, I felt pretty good this morning.. Fully recovered from a weekend that ruined me more than any other!! Its amazing how much more energy I have during my 5am workouts and my 4pm workouts!

February 20, 2010

Training Day 50

~21 Days til Sectionals~

Today's WOD: 2 Parts

Part 1:
A1. Hang Squat Snatch - 1,1,1,1,1,1,1; rest 180 sec
A2. Ring Dips - AMRAP in 30 sec x 7 sets; rest 180 sec

rest as needed

Part 2:
For Time;
30 Wall Balls - 20/14# to 10 ft
80 Double Unders
20 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
30 Toes to Bar
50 Walking Lunges
50 Chin Ups
20 Burpees


Part 1:
A1) 115/120/125/130/135/140/150 (1 Rep Max Personal Record!!)
A2) 18/17/16/15/13/13/15

Part 2:
Time: 14:44

Training Day 49

~23 Day til Sectionals~

Thursday's WOD

For Time:

15 Hand Stand Push Ups
6 L-Pull Ups
6 L-Pull Ups
6 L-PU

Time: 8:34 - Range of motion started out perfect then I started to fatigued and lost the depth on the HSPU.. Still a weak point that needs some work!!

February 17, 2010

Training Day 48

~24 Days til Sectionals~

Today's WOD:

part 1:
A. High Bar Back Squat @ 20X0; 6,6,4,4,2,2; rest 240 sec
B1. Dumbbell Split Squat @ 3011; 7-9/leg x 4; rest 90 sec
B2. GHD Raises @ 2020; 15-20 x 4; rest 90 sec

rest as needed

part 2:
[Row Sprint 30 sec @ 100% effort; Rest 3 min off rower; Repeat 4 times] x 2
rest 10 min b/t sets of 4
record total meters per 30 sec set
you should have 8 total scores


A) 185/190/195/205/215/225

B1) 30# for all x 9 reps
B2) All 20 x 3 unbroken on tempo

rest 5 mins

Row meters: played with damper settings on first 4 and settled on 5.
1)165m 2)168m 3)172m 4)170m
rest 3 mins due to time.
5)171m 6)170m 7)169m 8)171m

February 16, 2010

Training Day 47

Start and Why.. A great speech about how to sell yourself to other people.

Its not What you believe.. Its Why you believe it!!

Today's WOD:

A1. Push Jerk @ 12X1; 4-6 x 5; rest 150 sec
A2. Weighted Strict Chin Ups @ 21X0; 4-6 x 5; rest 150 sec
B1. Push Press @ 12X1; 4-6 x 4; rest 120 sec
B2. Chest to Bar Kipping Chin Ups - 15 x 4; rest 120 sec
C1. Press @ 12X1; 4-6 x 3; rest 90 sec
C2. Kipping Chin Ups - chin breaks vertical plane - 20 x 3; rest 90 sec


A1) 155/165/170/175/180# - reps- 6/5/5/4/4 split jerked the last two
A2) 35# for all sets @ 6 reps

B1) 135/135/140/145# - reps- 6/6/5/5
B2) Unbroken for all

C1) 95/105/115# - reps- 6/6/4
C2) Unbroken for first 2 sets, last set 15-5

February 15, 2010

Rest Day

~26 Days til Sectionals~

Eat This!!

Chicken Cordon Paleo Bleu

3 medium-large, skinless, boneless chicken breasts
ham slices, about 6 thin slices (less that 1 oz. each)
3 cloves garlic
1/4 red bell pepper
1 T fresh flat leaf parsley, chopped
1/2 C almond meal
2 T dried parsley flakes
1 tsp black pepper
pinch Celtic grey sea salt (optional)
3 T olive oil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Pound chicken breast pretty thin. In a mini food processor, blend garlic, parsley, and about 1/8 C red bell peppers. You could also just finely mince them and mix them together well. Sprinkle chicken breasts with a little black pepper and salt. Then spread the minced mixture over the top. Finally place ham slices on top and put some thinly julienned red pepper slices over the breast. Roll chicken breast up as tightly as possible and secure with tooth pics.
Now dredge rolled chicken breasts in almond meal (mixed with parsley flakes, black pepper, and grey salt). Sprinkle with a little paprika. Heat olive oil to medium heat and brown chicken on all sides. When chicken in browned evenly, place in oven and bake for about 30 minutes.
Serve this on a bed of cauliflower rice along with some sauteed zucchini. Don't forget to remove the tooth pics before dining!!!
Hope you enjoy this Paleo friendly version of Cordon Bleu!!

February 14, 2010

Training Day 46

~27 Days til Sectionals~

Today's WOD:

A. AMRAP sets of 5 unbroken bench press - 150#/90# in 3:00
rest EXACTLY 2 minutes - weight must be racked after 5 reps for bench press

B. AMRAP sets of 10 unbroken db walking lunges - 45#,30#/h in 3:20
rest EXACTLY 2 minutes - db's must be dropped after 10 lunges

C. AMRAP Sets of 15 unbroken back extensions in 3:40
rest EXACTLY 2 minutes - hands at temples and elbows out for extensions

D. AMRAP Sets of 20 unbroken double unders in 4:00 - you must stop skipping after 20 reps are achieved for DU's


A) 5
B) 7
C) 7
D) 5 - very hard by the end of this workout.. I missed 4 times.. one miss was on my 2nd set on the 18th rep! Waste of time!

February 13, 2010

Training Day 44 & 45

On Friday the 12th we had the pleasure of having Heather Keenan visit our gym. Heather is a Crossfit Finalist and an amazing athlete. So we took a day away from OPT's training to do a fun WOD.

I started with some Power Snatch work for about 10 - 15 minutes and ended up going to 160#, which is a PR but felt very easy!!

The WOD:
21/42, 15/30, 9/18 reps of:
Kettle Bell Swings (2 pood/78#) and Double Unders

My time for this workout was 6:12. I believe Heather killed it and got me by like 3 mins at a lighter weight for the KBS!! Very Inspiring!

As for Today 2/13 I went back to OPT's training and did the following WOD

3 Rounds for Time:
50 Dumbbell DeadLifts @ 55#/hand
Row 1K
50 Knees to Elbows

My total time was 34:20 and row times/round were 4:01/ 4:05/ 4:07

After about 5 - 10 minutes of rest I did some Heavy Barbell Deadlifts
3x3x3x2x2x1x1x1 reps at the following weight
275/285/295/305/315/325/335/345 - Felt good at all weights.. lots of room for a 1 rep max. Seeing alot of improvement in my overall strength and Olympic Lifts!

February 10, 2010

Training Day 43

Countdown to Sectionals: 31 Days

Here is an great piece on Hydration!! A Must Watch!
"Hydration" with CrossFit Endurance, by CrossFit Again Faster - video (wmv)-(mov)

Today's WOD:

A1) Power Snatch @ 11X1 2.2.2reps x 5; rest 120 seconds
A2) Close Grip Bench Press @ 30X0 4.4reps x 5; rest 120 seconds
(2.2.2 means you do 2 reps at a weight, drop 10% of the weight do another 2 reps, drop 10% of the weight and do the last 2 reps only resting to change the weight. Each Set the starting weight is 10% less than the starting weight of the previous set! Same idea for the 4.4 bench press)


5 Sets:
25 Unbroken Box Jumps - 20" box
Row Sprint 200 meters @ 100% effort
rest 2 minutes


A1) 135#-130#-125#/ 130#-125#-120#/ 125#-120#115#/ 120#-115#-110#/ 115#-110#-105#
- probably could have gone a bit heavier!

A2) 165#-155#/ 155#-150#/ 150#-145#/ 145#-140#/ 140#-145#
- it was probably more like 4 seconds down instead of 3!


All my box jumps were fast.. no rests/ Unbroken!!
Row Times for each set:
(1.) 36 seconds (2.) 37 seconds (3.) 39 seconds (4). 38 seconds (5.) 37 seconds

Weather Update in Florida for all my PA friends and Family.. We are currently getting 25-30 inches of sunshine!! Have fun shoveling snow today!!

February 9, 2010

Training Day 42

Today's WOD:
A1) OHS @ 32X1; 6-8 reps x 4 sets; rest 120 seconds
A2) Muscle Ups - 8 reps x 4 sets; rest 120 seconds -(google muscles ups)
B1) Jump Squats - 10 explosive jumps with minimal squats x 3 sets; rest 90 seconds
B2) Chest to Bar Pull Ups - 20 reps chest hits bar on all reps x 3 sets; rest 90 seconds
Tabata Mash Up - 16 rounds of 20 seconds of work 10 seconds of rest straight of:
Jumping Switch Lunges
Anchored Sit Ups


A1) Used Light weights and really focused on my tempo... in fact, I went 4 seconds down 3 second hold at the bottom and then exploded up so my tempo was 43X1 not 32X1
95# x 8/105# x 8/110# x 8/115# x 6
A2) All Muscle Ups were broken but I managed to grind out 8 each round though so a considerable jump up from only being able to do one a month ago!

B1) All fast and Unbroken jumping to a fixed height.
B2) Unbroken/15-5/10-5-5 chest hit bar on all reps. Best day of chest to bar pull ups.

Tabata Mash Total Score: 207
Switch Lunges - 112
Anchored Sit ups - 95

Eat This!! Apricot Pork Chops

4 pork chops, trimmed of all visible fat (mine were pretty thick, about 1 inch)
1 apple, pealed and diced
1 C dried apricots, chopped
1 yellow onion, chopped
1/4 C dried cherries
1/4 C agave nectar
1/2 C apple juice
1/2 C white wine
2 stalks celery, chopped

I coated the pork chops first and browned them in about 2 tsp olive oil.
Coating: 1/4 C almond meal, 2 tsp garlic powder, 2 tsp black pepper, 1 T dried parsley flakes!

After browning the chops, put them in the crock pot. Cover them with all the other ingredients. Cook on low for 6 hours. Served these with a large salad. Or, cauliflower rice would be an excellent choice to sop up all that delicious leftover juice! Enjoy!

Cauliflower rice:
I head cauliflower
In a food processor with the shedding blade add pieces of the cauliflower. I microwaved the cauliflower on the vegetable setting. Do NOT add water. Just cover with some saran wrap, heat, fluff and serve! Easy!

February 7, 2010

Rest Day - EAT THIS

Stole this from OPT's Blog.. Just really loved the message. Check it out!!

Try This Amazing Pistachio Chicken with Coconut Chili Ginger Sauce!!

3 chicken breast, cut in half and pounded
1/2 C Dry roasted, unsalted pistachios, ground in food processor
2 tsp. garlic powder
2 T fresh Italian parsley, chopped
1 tsp. black pepper
2 T olive oil

1/4 red onion, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 T olive oil
1/2 C white wine
1/2 C chicken broth, low sodium
2 tsp. ground ginger
2 T Lemon grass herb blend
1 tsp. chili pepper spice blend
2 T Italian parsley, chopped
1 C coconut milk (I used low fat)
fresh ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Grind pistachio's with garlic powder, parsley, and pepper. Heat olive oil in a skillet. Coat chicken breasts with the pistachio mixture. Brown chicken, about 5 minutes on each side. Transfer to baking dish.
In a sauce pan, saute onion and garlic in olive oil. When onion is translucent, add lemon grass and chili paste. Stir in white wine. Reduce slightly, and add chicken broth, and ground ginger. Reduce a little more, and add coconut milk and parsley. Season with fresh ground pepper.
Poor over chicken breasts and bake for about 15 minutes, until bubbly and chicken is done.
I served this with some sauteed spinach and steamed zucchini. It was very satisfying, flavorful and paleo! Hope you like it! - Crossfit Sanat Cruz Central

Training Day 41

Today's WOD
4 Sets of:
A1) "Touch and Go" DeadLifts - 15 Unbroken; rest 10 seconds
A2) Kipping Ring Dips - 10 reps; rest 10 seconds
A3) "Slap Chest" Push Ups - 10 reps; rest 180 seconds

4 Sets of:
B1) 25 GHD Back Extensions Unbroken; rest 10 seconds
B2) 25 Push Ups; rest 90 seconds

C) AMRAP of Double Unders in 5 minutes

D) Spend 5 mins working in HSPU

A1,2,3) Round 1: 185#/Unbroken/8-2
Round 2: 205#/Unbroken/ 7-3
Round 3: 225#/ Unbroken/ 5-3-2
Round 4: 235# broke once/Unbroken/ 4-2-2-1-1

B1,2) Round 1: Unbroken/ 20-5
Round 2: Unbroken/ 18-4-3
Round 3: Unbroken/ 15-5-5
Round 4: Unbroken/ 15-5-5

C) On my first attempt I only got 106 reps.. I was cramping up in my legs. So after I did part D I repeated C and got 173 reps.

D) Worked on form and used different grips and widths.

February 6, 2010

Training Day 40

Today's Wod:
A1.) High Bar Back Squats @ 40X1; 4-6 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 seconds
A2.) L Pull Ups @ 2121; AMRAP x 5 sets; rest 90 seconds
B.) Dumbbell Split Squat @ 3131; 5-7/leg x 4 sets; rest 45 seconds between legs
C.) 100 GHD Sit Ups for time! we did these on 1/27 so a good chance to compare and see improvement... Hopefully!

A1.) 135# x 7
155# x 6
165# x 6
175# x 5
185# x 4
A2.) 12/8/10/8/8... On the even number sets I used a palms facing out grip.. on the odds I used a palms facing in grip.

B.) 25# x 7/Leg for all four sets.. very challenging at tempo and my hip flexors were smoked going into those GHD's

C.) Time: 7:20
The last time we did these my time was 8:34.. So I knocked 1:14 off my total time.

Overall I felt strong today, especially on all those tempo Squats! And I was really happy with the progress I've made on the GHD machine!

Rx Post Wod Fuel was 45g Protein/30g Carbs which I got from a whey protein mixed with 4oz of sweet potato and 3 tablespoons of Apple Sauce with a little cinnamon. Delicious!!

February 5, 2010

Rest Day

The following is a piece from MarksDailyApple that talks about the Truth behind the Barefoot Lifestyle... Are those expensive running shoe doing more harm than good?

A Sea Change Coming to Wash Your Shoes Away

I’m sure you’ve seen it. It’s all over the news. People are finally beginning to come around to that inconvenient truth about our feet, that dirty little secret that shoe companies would prefer to keep under wraps: barefoot is better.

There has been media coverage of the barefoot trend in the past, mostly intermittent, in running magazines and always taking a patronizing tone. It follows the same formula: more idle speculation on a bizarre fad that a select few crazies are promoting, with plenty of “balance” from stuffy foot specialists expressing doubt that the inherently fragile, gentle human foot could ever withstand the rigors of walking unshod without “serious injury,” than any serious consideration of the merits. But now we’ve got a nice, juicy study to hang our hats (or our shoes) on, and media outlets are falling over themselves to get the scoop.

Witness the Boston Globe’s take on the whole thing, or the LA Times feature. The Edmonton Journal got into the action, too, as did the Telegraph, while even San Jose’s Mercury News mentioned the study. The Popular Science blog did a piece on it. And of course, the rest of the blogosphere picked up on it, too: Open Water Chicago, Conditioning Research, and the Chi Running blog, to name just a few.

The study in question was Harvard evolutionary biologist Daniel Lieberman’s on “Foot strike patterns and collision forces in habitually barefoot versus shod runners.” (See comparison videos below. The difference between shod heel strike running and barefoot forefoot strike running is visually and graphically captured. For more on what you’re seeing check out NPR’s coverage.) It’s hard to believe that this is the first study of its kind, though, probably because it actually isn’t. Last year, researchers ran a similar study and decided that “Footwear Alters Normal Form and Function of the Foot” by exerting acute pressure to sensitive areas of the foot, whereas barefoot walkers enjoyed wider forefeet and more evenly distributed locomotive stress. Interesting, but probably because it didn’t make any bold pronouncements and because it dealt with the relatively mundane act of walking (rather than running), the study didn’t get any press. They could have recommended people throw off their shoes, but that wouldn’t be prudent. It wouldn’t be responsible. I can’t fault them for that, really. Researchers need funding, and you don’t want to make bold pronouncements if it means getting cut off or reprimanded. Unfortunately, scientists need to be bold to effect real change.

Even when the “experts” get it so, so right, they do their best to get it wrong in the end, or they hedge their bets and stick with the safe answer, rather than question Conventional Wisdom entirely (even if the data contradicts CW directly). I’m reminded of when Gary Taubes famously lamented a similar mindset in physicians and obesity researchers who, although they understood (and even witnessed in a clinical setting) the chronic insulin/body fat connection, continued to recommend the standard low-fat, high-carb, low-calorie diet to their patients. They connect all the dots, but fail to see the bigger picture clearly outlined by those dots. To their credit, though, researchers can and do make sensible recommendations within the context of Conventional Wisdom. The researchers from that walking study did ultimately call for the design of “quality footwear” that doesn’t “hamper the foot’s biologically normal function.” Better than nothing, I suppose.

Now, even though I agree with Lieberman’s conclusions (actually, because I’m such a huge fan of barefoot), it pays to be critical. I know Lieberman has affiliations with Vibram – in fact, he may have even helped them design the Fivefingers – and that they probably funded the study, and I know that we hem, haw, and cast skeptical eyes on Pfizer when they fund yet another statin paper. There’s a major difference between the two, though: Lieberman is right. His data is strong. He isn’t hiding anything or fudging the results. We’re right. Barefoot is better. There’s no shame in that, you know – being right. There are objective truths out there, and the objective truth is that most people aren’t born with genetically defective feet. Everyone’s imperfect, sure, but for the most part we’ve all got the same basic equipment with the same basic biomechanics working under the hood. Unless you have a birth defect, no one is born with feet that “won’t work right” or that “require shoes”. The flat footed (no arch) argument doesn’t stand up as an excuse, except when you’ve already spent a lifetime coddling your feet in supportive casts. A cautionary word that anyone transitioning to a barefoot lifestyle should take it VERY easy at first.

There was one more response to the barefoot running study that bears mentioning: Brooks (world famous running shoe company) CEO Jim Weber’s scrambling blog post. You know – I feel for the guy. It’s gotta be tough to make a reasonable response to a scientifically sound piece of research that refutes almost everything you’ve built your business on. I mean, what is he supposed to do? Admit that he’s been wrong this whole time? Admit that his shoes are basically coffins for the feet? Naturally, he goes with the entirely unsubstantiated claim that the “vast majority of runners” should race “in a performance running shoe, not barefoot.” Apparently, we barefooters are a genetically gifted breed of athlete who are “biomechanically blessed” with “natural healthy gaits.” Hmm. So, the natural, normal gait is actually somehow rare and precious. It doesn’t occur naturally. Got it. Jim, did you ever stop to think why so many of your runners seem to lack that natural healthy gait? Perhaps it’s the shoes. Our “unique biomechanical needs” are only unique because we’ve been smashing, smushing, and confining our feet to too-small, too-constrictive, too-structured footwear for years. Check out your comments section, dude. The people have spoken. You can’t ignore anecdotal evidence pouring in from all sides forever.

I eagerly await your upcoming, inevitable barefoot-analogous running shoe model.

When the CEO of a major running shoe company makes a public acknowledgment, that’s a sign. A sea change is undoubtedly occurring here, folks. The media may help spur things along, but they’re just reporting what’s really happening out there. If there wasn’t a massive audience for the barefoot message present and willing to get out there and experiment for themselves, there’d be no story. Just check out the comment sections for all the blogs and all the newspaper articles dealing with the study. In previous barefoot articles, most of the comments were either dubious or dismissive of the “fad”; now, the naysayers clinging to their Nikes are being drowned out by barefoot evangelists. I applaud them.

You’re part of what made this possible. Now, let’s hope the rest of the Primal Blueprint gains some ground out there!

February 4, 2010

Training Day 39

So last night I had a little Heart to Heart with my Jump Rope... And Finally... For the first time since starting my training back in September, I was able to string together Double Under jump ropes!! (where you jump once and the rope passes under you twice)
The most I have done unbroken with my new jump rope was 10! This morning I was able to string 5 sets of 30 Unbroken. Best day of training in a long time! These things really had me worried that they were going to ruin my attempts at placing this year. I feel so much more confident now that I KNOW I can put together 50,60, 70 or more in a row!

Today's WOD:
7 Rounds for Total Time:
30 Double Unders
20 Chin Ups
10 Push Jerks @ 135#
rest 2 minutes between sets

1) 2:01
2) 2:45
3) 3:14
4) 3:29
5) 3:41
6) 3:00 - for whatever reason, I thought this was my last round... My Adrenalin kicked in and I tried to make up some lost time..This was also the round I got the most Push Jerks and Pull Ups in a row... bad shock to see I still had one more round to go!!
7) 3:31
Total Time: 33:41 minus the (6) 2 minute rest periods between rounds = my Total Working Time = 21:41

February 3, 2010

Training Day 38

Today was a pretty light day compared to yesterday!!

Today's WOD:
A.) Quickly build to a tough 3 reps in the DeadLift, but not a 3 RM; rest 60 seconds between sets.
B.) Bench Press @ 10X0 - 60% of 1RM; 8 sets of 3 reps; rest 30 seconds between sets.
C.) Hang Power Clean @ 12X1; 3 sets of 3 reps - 80% Effort; rest as needed; rest as needed.
D.) GHD Raises @ 2010; 5 sets of 15 reps; rest 90 - 120 seconds.

A.) 300# felt good... close to a 3 RM but felt quick!
B.) 155# on all sets pretty easy
C.)155# on all sets
D.) All 5 sets unbroken with hands behind head!

Wanted a little extra so I did a quick little "Gasser" WOD of:

5 round for time of:
7 Wall Balls @ 20# ball
7 Burpees
Time: 2:53 (two minutes and fifty-three seconds)

Now I'm done!

February 2, 2010

Training Day 37

Today we had to do Three Separate Work Outs.. 2 minutes rest between each round of each workout (except for the last workout which is Timed) with 2 minutes rest between workouts.

Today's Definitions:
21, 15, 9 - Its a rep scheme.. You do 21 reps of the Rx movements then repeat the movements for the 2nd set but only 15 reps, then 9 reps for the third set.
Thrusters - are a front squat + a push press
Burpees - jump down to a plank, chest to floor, push up, tuck your knees, then jump up with hands overhead...Should be done as one quick aggressive move... Google it if this makes no sense!
Unbroken - Not resting/dropping the bar until all reps are complete

Today's WOD's
1) 3 Sets of:
10 Thrusters @ 120#
Row 2 minutes @ 90% Effort
rest 2 minutes

2) 3 Sets of:
10 Front Squats @ 135#
90 Seconds of High Knee Skipping
rest 2 minutes


3) 21, 15, 9 Rep Rounds for Time of:
Chin Ups


1) Rx Weight
1st Round) 10 Unbroken Thrusters/520 meter Row
2nd Round) Broken Thruster @ 7 - 3/510 meter Row
3rd Round) Broken Thruster @ 5-3-2/ 502 meter Row

2) Rx Weight
1st Round) 10 Unbroken Front Squats/ 90 seconds Unbroken
2nd Round) Broken Front Squats @ 8 - 2/ one 5 second rest
3rd Round) Broken Front Squats @ 7 - 3/ one 5 second rest

3) 21 Rep Round - Unbroken Chin Ups and Burpees
15 Rep Round - 8 - 7 Broken Chin Ups and Burpees
9 Rep Round - 5 - 4 Broken Chin Ups and Unbroken Burpees
TIME: 5:35 (Five Minutes & Thirty-Five Seconds)

I hit a wall after that first round of 21 Chin ups/Burpees but managed to struggle through it.. Probably rested about 15+ seconds between rep rounds 21 and 15 before I felt recovered enough to get back on the bar.. All three workouts really pushed my wind!! Overall though I'm pretty happy with today. My goals are always to do these types of moves (i.e. Thrusters and Front Squats) Unbroken.. Long way to go before I'm to that level but I'm definitely improving and yet still not peaking to early.. Everyday seems to be of better than the day before!

February 1, 2010

Rest Day

Get Well Soon Pap

O Father of mercies and God of all comfort, our only help in time of need: We humbly beseech thee to behold, visit and relieve thy sick servant Jack Garland for whom our prayers are desired. Look upon him with the eyes of thy mercy; comfort him with a sense of thy goodness; preserve him from the temptations of the enemy; and give him patience under his affliction. In thy good time, restore him to health, and enable him to lead the residue of his life in thy fear, and to thy glory; and grant that finally he may dwell with thee in life everlasting; through Jesus Christ our Lord.