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December 30, 2011

Friday Training

A: BW Strict Chins - Various Grips; AMRAP x 3 rest 3 Min.
B: Single Arm DB Row @ 42X2; 8-10/arm, rest 1 min b/t arms x 4
C: Side Bridge from ext arm hand on ground, :30/side rest :10/side x 3
7 Minutes Max Meters Row w/ 45# Plate under back end of Rower

A: 15 Sup/10 Pro/8 Close Grip Sup
B: 70/80x3 x 8
C: Complete - This Felt Much Easier Than Doing Them On My Forearms!!
I only rowed for about 2 or 3 minutes.. starting getting really nasty cramps in my quads.. my legs are very sore from squatting yesterday. I can always tell if I've squatted with proper High Bar form because my quads and VMO are always sore. I'll try this again when I'm more recovered!

December 29, 2011

Thursday Training

A: Back Squat @ 30X1; 3-5; rest 3 min x 4
B: BB Forward Lunge to 6" Step @ 24X2; 10 Total Altn'g; rest :90 x 4
C: GH Raises vs. Light Band; 10-12; rest 1 min x 4

A: Barefoot Squats - 225/225/235/240 x 3
B: 135/95/95
C: Vs Red Band all x 12

December 27, 2011

Post Christmas Weekend Junk Food Binge

A: Clean Grip Fat Bar D.L.; 8-6-4; rest 3 min b/t sets
B1: 3 Tough Power Clean; no rest
B2: Back Ext w/ 10# Plate; 8-10, no rest
B3: 5 Challenging Box Jumps; rest 4 mins x 4
C: Side Bridge :45/side; rest :15/side x 4

Felt like complete garbage this morning.. Way to much sugar the past couple of days.. Starting a 21 Day Sugar Detox TODAY!! and running this into the Paleo Challenge.

A: This makes me feel like a little girl - 155/175/185
B1: 205#
B2: complete
B3: 43" or 4 x 45# plates
C: Complete

December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve Workout

Warm Up with Goblet Squat Holds and MOB
Back Ext w/ Light Plate, Slightly above parallel
A: 3 Rounds of Burgener w/u w/ 55# Bar
B: Power Clean Tech Work - Set Up - Knees back, no forward Hop
C: Strict Chins; 3,2,1,3,2,1, rest 3 min b/t sets
D: Pendlay Rows @ 32X2; 8-10; rest 2:30 x 3

Here are a few videos of some recent workouts

Power Snatch and Muscle Up to Ring Dips @ 135# -

Snatch Grip Deadlift, not a 3RM but Heavy @ 265# x 3 -

Light Power Clean Tech Work @ 135# -

Results for Today
A: complete
B: complete @ 135# - 20 singles and some Hang Power Cleans
C: 60/70/80/60/70/80
D: 115/135/135 all for 10 reps

December 21, 2011

A: Snatch Grip Dead Lift @ 32X2; 2-3, rest 3 mins x 4
B: Good Mornings @ 41X2; 6-8 reps; rest 2:30 x 3
TNG Power Snatch x 3
Muscle Up x 1 + Ring Dips x 5
TNG Power Snatch x 2
MUp x 1 + RDip x 5
Power Snatch x 1
MUp x 1 + RDip x 5
Rest 3 min x 3 Increase Load as needed. Keeping moving with a purpose.

A: 235 x 3/255 x 3/265 x 3/275 x 2
B: All @ 95# x 8
Power Snatch - 115/135/135#
All Muscles ups and dips unbroken

December 20, 2011

Training Resumed!!

Its been 10 LONG days since I've been to the gym.. Had a very nasty upper respiratory infection and I was out of action for a few days and then choose to rest to make sure I didn't rush back into this and just prolong this thing.. Felt great to get back at it today and really didn't feel like I lost anything, in fact, I feel more energized and ready to crush my workouts than ever before!

A: Press @ 32X2; 7-9 reps, rest 3 min x 4
B: TRAP 3 @ 3010; 8-10/arm, rest 1 min b/t arms x 3
C: HSPU - Abmat - 50 Reps for Time
D: Sand Bag Half Moons x 8; rest :90 x 3; 25# - 50# learn and feel this out

A: 95 x 10/ 115 x 8/105 x 8/105 x 8
B: 15 x 8 x 3
C: first 25 in 1:45 - 13/7/5
last 25 in 7:00 - 5/5/3/3/3/3/3
Total time - 8:45
D: 25# x 8 x 3

December 11, 2011

OPT Big Dawg Challenge

Construction Series Event Number 2:

Find a 1RM Power Snatch (in KILOGRAMS)
Find a Max reps chest to bar chin ups 1 attempt
Score is kilogram total + Reps
(max time limit to get 2 scores = 25 min)
rest 45 min

"Little Liz"
Squat clean 135/95#
Ring dips
Score is total time
rest 2 hours

In 27 minutes for females (25 minutes for males)
Row 5K
With remaining time, Max rep burpees
Score is burpees rep total

185# PR Power Snatch
+ 17 CtB Pull ups

6:07 - very happy with this workout even though it crushed me!! Haven't been doing a lot of this type of energy system training leading into the competition, so to come out of it alive was a big goal for me!

PR'd in the 5K Row 20:35, wasn't trying to smash this row, just keep moving to give myself some time to recovery and knock out some burpees.
I managed to sneak out 43 burpees, not bad but I could have pushed a lil harder here!

All in all it was an awesome day with great people! I can't wait for the next Big Dawg Competition!

December 7, 2011

Wednesday's Training

A: Body Weight Strict Chins - Wider Pro Grip @ 30X0; AMRAP(-1); rest 3 min x 4
B: Single Arm DB Row @ 42X2; 6-8/arm; rest 1 min b/t arms x 4
Powell Raises & DB Ext Rot x 2 sets each
10 Min Comfortable Pace Row - work tech & breathing

A: 12/9/8/8
B: 80# x 6 all sets
Powell and Ext Rot - 15# x 8/arm x 2
Row - Complete

December 6, 2011

Tuesday's Training

Went on a nice little "Off the Rails" Cheat weekend and after a few days to recover, I feel like I'm back to 100% Energy level. Planning on competing in the next OPT Event this Saturday so I will train the next three days, rest on Friday and compete on Saturday. The biggest challenge I will face, well two really, 1) Metcon and 2) Fuel. I haven't done much in the way of hard, energy system training. I'm very afraid that any sort of metcon is just going to ruin me. As far as fuel goes, I just haven't done four workouts in one day in long time and have no clue what I can eat or not eat in between workouts to fully recover and be ready to hit the next workout without feeling full. I will most likely stick to liquid proteins and then at the end throw in some starchy carbs. Wish I had a little more time to play with this but whatever, should be an awesome weekend.. I'm just happy I can actually compete this time around. I love these large group events at the box, the community is second to none and the energy is amazing.

Today's Workout
A: High Bar Back Squat @ 30X1; 4-6 reps, rest 3 min. x 3
B: BB Split Squat @ 33X2; 4 rep/leg; rest 1 min b/t legs x 5
C: 10 mins. of Hip, Calve, H-string and Ankle MOB
6 Sets Hard and Fast , Rest 4 mins b/t sets of
7 Burpees
40m Prowler Run (200#)

A: 225/235/240 all x 4 - very happy with this, been doing low bar for a long time and this is the first time I've worked high bar... I was expecting a big drop off but I felt very strong here.
VIDEO @ 235 x 4 -

B: all @ 95# - these were hard, that time in the bottom was nasty, tried not to unload on that down knee
C: Complete
timed sets

December 2, 2011

Thursday's Training

AM Training
A: Front Squat @ 31X2, 3-5, rest 3 min x 4. Go up from last week (185 x 4/175 x4/4/4)
B: Rev. BB Lunge w/ Bar in Front Rack @ 30X1, 10 Total Altng, rest 2 min b/t sets x 3

PM Swim Training
10 min in Z1, Bilateral Breathing
rest 5 min in water
25m Underwaters x 10, rest 1-2 min b/t
rest as needed
10 min in Z1, Bilateral Breathing

A: 195/200/205/210 x 3
B: 135/145/155

Complete this evening, will comment if needed