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February 28, 2011

Tuesday's Training and Diet Day 21

Quick update as of yesterday Day 20 Averages:
Cals- 2,010
Protein- 179
Fat- 118
Carb- 69
per day

A) Back Squat
B) 1-3-1-3 Muscle Up Ladder, not for time but for perfection
6 Sets of:
10 Sprint Pulls on Rower
10 Pullups AFAP
rest 3 mins. b/t sets

A)all 6 reps 175/185x3
B) Jumping Muscle Ups

Metcon: Complete

8oz of Ground Beef 90%, 1 Bag of Kale, Dijon Mustard

7oz Chicken, 4oz Mixed Greens, 8oz Cucumber, 4oz Mushrooms, 4 tbsp EVOO with Apple Cider Vinegar

8oz Ground Beef 75%, Bag of Broccoli, El Pato + Salsa Verde

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 2,363
Total Protein: 169
Total Fat: 165
Total Carb: 62

February 27, 2011

Monday's Training and Diet Day 20

Rest Day
First week in the books.. Programming is great so far given my way of eating.. I am enjoying the tempo of all the big lifts.. The time under tension is noticeably different than just lifting the weight. Also, the style of metcon I'm doing is nice in the fact that its short and sweet and I get a nice stimulus from that with out killing myself and feeling destroyed the next day. I am sore from the lifts but I still have all my energy the next day!

8oz of Ground Beef 90%, 1 Bag of Kale, Dijon Mustard

7oz Chicken, 4oz Mixed Greens, 8oz Cucumber, 4oz Mushrooms, 4 tbsp EVOO with Apple Cider Vinegar

Dinner #1
8oz Ground Chicken Sausage, 1 Bag of Broccoli, El Pato Sauce

Dinner #2
8oz Ground Beef 75%, Bag of Cauliflower

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 2,803
Total Protein: 213
Total Fat: 185
Total Carb: 82

Sunday Training and Diet Day 19

A) Bench Press- 3 x 4-6reps @ 3010; rest 3 min
B) GH Raises 3 x 12 @ 30X1; rest 2 min
C) L Sit Practice - 5 mins
D) 20 min. in Z1

B) Complete
C) Knee tuck holds for AMSAP
D) Complete on Rower

8oz Chicken Sausage, 1 Bag of Kale, and Salsa

8oz Ground Beef 75%, 16oz Red Cabbage, 1 Bag of Cauliflower, Salsa Verde

Grassfed Beef Tenderloins around 9oz, 16oz of Broccoli Rabe in Olive Oil and Garlic

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 1,961
Total Protein: 188
Total Fat: 100
Total Carb: 82

Saturday's Training and Diet Day 18


A) Shoulder Press- 5sets of 5 @ 3211 rest 4 mins. b/t sets

Anaerobic - Lactic - Power - Metcon
6 Sets at 90%
10 Touch & Go Deadlifts @ 185#
20 second Airdyne Sprints
rest 4:30 b/t sets

A)125x4 reps/105 x 5reps for 4 sets

Metcon: complete; rests felt a bit to long. Fast Light and Easy

8oz Ground Beef, 1 Bag of Spinach, 3oz Avocado Dijon Mustard

6oz Baked Chicken, 4oz Mixed Greens, 8oz Cucumber, 4oz Mushrooms, 4 tbsp EVOO

8oz Ground Beef 75% lean, 2 Bags of Cauliflower, Salsa Verde, Coconut oil with spices

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 2,128
Total Protein: 159
Total Fat: 143
Total Carb: 59

February 25, 2011

Friday's Training and Diet Day 17

Warmp up + DB Ext Rot/Trap 3/Powell Raises 25#dbs

A1)Front Squats - 6 sets of 3 @ 30X1; rest 3 min
A2)(during A1 rest) 4 Perfect Depth HSPU Singles
B)10 Chest2Bar Pullups x 5; rest 1 min
Map Training on the Airdyne
{:30 in Z4/ :30 in Z1}repeat 30 times with rest every 10 minutes

B) 4 sets complete

Only did 20 minutes of the Map training due to time constraints

9oz Ground Beef 90% Lean, 1 Bag of Kale, Dijon Mustard

9oz Ground Beef 75%, 4oz Mixed Greens, 8oz Cucumber, 4oz Mushrooms, 4 tbsp EVOO

8oz Ground Beef 75% lean, 1 Bag of Broccoli, Salsa Verde, Coconut oil with spices

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 2,244
Total Protein: 150
Total Fat: 160
Total Carb: 62

Thursday Training and Diet Day 16

Decided to take a rest to let my legs recover a bit longer from the tempo squats the other day before I go into tempo front squats.


8oz Ground Beef, 1 Bag of Spinach, 3oz Avocado Dijon Mustard

1 Can Albacore Tuna, 4oz Mixed Greens, 8oz Cucumber, 4oz Mushrooms, 4 tbsp EVOO

8oz Ground Beef 75% lean, 1 Bag of Broccoli, Salsa Verde, Coconut oil with spices

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 2,123
Total Protein: 150
Total Fat: 150
Total Carb: 62

February 23, 2011

Wednesday Training amd Diet Day 15

A) Bench Press- 3 Sets of 5-7 reps @ 3010; rest 3 mins b/t sets
B) Snacth Grip Dead Lift- 8 Sets of 2-3 @ 5222; rest 3 mins b/t sets


A) 185# x 7 for all 3 sets
B) 185/205 x 3/225 x 2/245 x 3

8oz Ground Beef, 1 Bag of Spinach, Dijon Mustard

1 Can Albacore Tuna, 4oz Mixed Greens, 8oz Cucumber, 4oz Mushrooms, 4 tbsp EVOO

8oz Ground Beef 75% lean, 1 Bag of Broccoli, Salsa Verde, Coconut oil with spices

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 1,987
Total Protein: 148
Total Fat: 137
Total Carb: 54

February 22, 2011

Tuesday Training and Diet Day 14

Day 1 of Anthony's Programming for my Weakness

A- Back Squat; 6 sets of 3 reps @ 3111. rest 2 min b/t sets
B1- Strict Pullups; 3 sets AMRAP @ 3211. rest 5 min b/t sets
B2- During this rest-
1 set per leg of 8-10 reps 1 Legged GHD Back Extensions, controlled smooth tempo.
+ rest as needed
6 Sets
5 Burpees AFAP(as fast as possible)
8-10 Ring Rows
Rest 90 seconds betweet sets
Rest Walk 5 minutes b/t sets 3 &4


A)185 x 4sets/205 x 2 sets all 3 reps.. knee was really sore today
B1) 9/8/7
B2) all 8 reps per leg

6 Sets times:
All around :20 per round

8oz Ground Beef, 1 Bag of Spinach, Dijon Mustard

8oz Baked Chicken Salas, 4oz Mixed Greens, 8oz Cucumber, 4oz Mushrooms, 4 tbsp EVOO

8oz Ground Beef, 1 Bag of Broccoli, Salsa Verde, Coconut oil with spices

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 2.014
Total Protein: 188
Total Fat: 121
Total Carb: 50

February 21, 2011

Monday Training and Diet Day 13


Tomorrow I start my new training program... One more day to rest and recovery my legs before I start my quest to a 350 lb back squat!!


8oz Ground Beef, Kale, and Dijon Mustard

8oz Baked Chicken, 4oz mixed greens, 10oz Cucumbers, 4oz Mushroom, 3tbsp EVOO and White Wine Vinegar

8oz Ground Beef, 1 Bag of Broccoli, Salsa Verde with coconut oil and spices

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 1,847
Total Protein: 170
Total Fat: 109
Total Carb: 54

February 20, 2011

Sunday Training and Diet Day 13

Rest/Recovery Day

Went for a 30 minute walk/jog in the morning fasted. Notice a big difference in my recovery when I walk in the AM like that.. Will continue to do so every other day or rest days.

I also decided to focus in on my training and really hammer out my weakness. So Coach Anthony will be in charge of my programming from now. I will continue to eat Low Carb until my Body Fat% drops then start cycling in High Carb Post Workout and see if I can create a new stimulus and improve recovery. On average I will be doing 75% CP/ATP, and 25% Anerobic Alactic stuff (short and fast with shut down before lactate build up) until my Pec and Tricep Skinfold scores come down.. It will be very Strength "Body Building" style workouts, not metcon beat downs. The goal is to get some testosteron flowing in my system again.

Energy Pathways
Because the body can not easily store ATP (and what is stored gets used up within a few seconds), it is necessary to continually create ATP during exercise. In general, the two major ways the body converts nutrients to energy are:

•Aerobic metabolism (with oxygen)
•Anaerobic metabolism (without oxygen)
These two pathways can be further divided. Most often it's a combination of energy systems that supply the fuel needed for exercise, with the intensity and duration of the exercise determining which method gets used when.

ATP-CP Anaerobic Energy Pathway
The ATP-CP energy pathway (sometimes called the phosphate system) supplies about 10 seconds worth of energy and is used for short bursts of exercise such as a 100 meter sprint. This pathway doesn't require any oxygen to create ATP. It first uses up any ATP stored in the muscle (about 2-3 seconds worth) and then it uses creatine phosphate (CP) to resynthesize ATP until the CP runs out (another 6-8 seconds). After the ATP and CP are used the body will move on to either aerobic or anaerobic metabolism (glycolysis) to continue to create ATP to fuel exercise.

Anaerobic Metabolism - Glycolysis
The anaerobic energy pathway, or glycolysis, creates ATP exclusively from carbohydrates, with lactic acid being a by-product. Anaerobic glycolysis provides energy by the (partial) breakdown of glucose without the need for oxygen. Anaerobic metabolism produces energy for short, high-intensity bursts of activity lasting no more than several minutes before the lactic acid build-up reaches a threshold known as the lactate threshold and muscle pain, burning and fatigue make it difficult to maintain such intensity.

1) Body Comp
2) 2 x body weight squat/2.5 x body weight deadlift
3) Improved form/technique in all lifts

10oz Ground Bison, 1 Bag of Spinach with some El Pato Sauce

8oz Ground Beef, 1 Bag Broccoli with some El Pato Sauce and Salsa

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 1,068
Total Protein: 136
Total Fat: 40
Total Carb: 50

Day 12 CLC

Saturday Training and Diet Day 12

A1) Snatch Grip Deadlift 3,3,3 rest 1 minute
A2) AMRAP x 3 Ring Dips rest 1 minute

Sled Drags
50 yards x 5
25 up: bent over between the legs
25 back: reverse power walk

A1) 185, 205, 225
A2) 8,9,7

weight for sled


Ground Chicken, Kale, and Dijon Mustard

2oz chicken Salad like the other days

6oz Bison, Broccoli, 12 oz Bone in NY Strip - Capital Grille

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 2,191
Total Protein: 190
Total Fat: 140
Total Carb: 48

February 18, 2011

Day 11 CLC

Friday Training and Diet Day 11
Skipped the AM Run and went straight to the PM Workout due to work schedule and parents getting into town.
A1) Back Squat 5,5,5,5 rest 2 mins
A2) Weight Pull Up 5,5,5,5 rest 2 mins
5 Rounds
8 Power Cleans
8 Bench Press
16 Box Jumps


A1)185 x 4
A2)35,25 x 3

Did not use a box for the squat.. instead I used a tempo Rx of 22X1
Which means 2 seconds to lower weight, 2 second hold tight in the bottom, Xplode up, 1 second rest before next rep. This is to help improve my weak bottom position by increasing the time under tension!

Round Times:

Did full box jumps not step downs this time.. Knee has been feeling good so I decided to throw a little test at it. Iced afterwards.. felt a little warm after but felt great as the day went on.. No Pain!!


8oz Grassfed/Pasture Ground Chicken, 1 Bag of Mixed Leafy Greens, Salsa

8oz Grassfed Ground Bison, 1 Bag of Kale, Dijon Mustard

8oz Grassfed Ground Bison, 1 Bag of Broccoli, 4oz Avocado Mash, Coconut Oil and Spices/El Pato Sauce

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 1,598
Total Protein: 188
Total Fat: 64
Total Carb: 80

February 17, 2011

Day 10 CLC

Thursday Training and Diet Day 10

Today I was supposed to Row for 30 minutes... But I had a crazy busy day at work and when I woke up to train in the AM I felt like I needed more sleep.. So I decided to skip the row today, sleep another hour and continue on schedule with the workouts tomorrow.



8oz Grassfed Ground Bison, Bag of Spinach with spices in Coconut Oil; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps, 1 150mcg Kelp, 1 Green Tea Cap, 4,000iu Vitamin D, Fish oil

6oz Pastured Chicken Breast, 4oz Mixed Greens, 8oz Cucumbers, 4oz Mushrooms, 4 tablespoons Olive Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

8oz Grassfed Ground Bison, 3oz Chopped Onions, Bag of Broccoli with spices in Coconut Oil; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 1,533
Total Protein: 183
Total Fat: 68
Total Carb: 57

February 16, 2011

Day 9 CLC

Wednesday Training and Diet Day 9

A1: DeadLift 8,8,8,8 rest 1 minute
A2: Push Press 8,8,8,8 rest 1 minute
4 Rounds for Consistent times of:
20 KBS 1.5 pood
20 Push ups
20 Pull ups
20 Air Squats

A1: 245 for all sets could have gone heavier.. 255, 260?

A2: 145 for all sets 8,8,7,7

Round Times:


Homemade Grass-fed Beef Chili; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps, 1 150mcg Kelp, 1 Green Tea Cap, 4,000iu Vitamin D, Fish oil

6oz Pastured Chicken Breast, 4oz Mixed Greens, 8oz Cucumbers, 4oz Mushrooms, 4 tablespoons Olive Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

8oz Grassfed Ground Bison, 3oz Chopped Onions, Bag of Broccoli with spices in Coconut Oil; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 1,729
Total Protein: 173
Total Fat: 84
Total Carb: 80

February 15, 2011

Day 8 CLC

Tuesday Training and Diet Day 8

3 Rounds for Time of:
400m Run
15 Thrusters 95#
15 Burpees

rest 10 mins.

4 x 500m Rows; rest 3 mins between efforts


Time 11:05
Row Times: 1.51/1.52/1.52/1.53

First time running in a WOD since July 2010.. Felt great and horrible at the same time!!


3 eggs, 4oz Pastured Chicken Sausage, Bag of Kale, Dijon Mustard fried in Coconut Oil; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps, 1 150mcg Kelp, 1 Green Tea Cap, 4,000iu Vitamin D, Fish oil

Homemade Grass-fed Beef Chili; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

8oz Grassfed Ground Beef, 3oz Chopped Onions, Bag of Broccoli with spices in Coconut Oil; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 1,752
Total Protein: 161
Total Fat: 88
Total Carb: 94

February 14, 2011

Day 7 CLC

Monday Training and Diet Day 7


Went on a little walk this morning for about 30 minutes and I really noticed a difference in the way my hips normally feel at the end of the day. I actually felt more recovered after that walk. I also did a few ice baths yesterday which always help in my recovery.. Hips feel great even after a heavy Olympic day with a lot of squats. I'm ready to attack Week 2!!


3 eggs, 4oz Pastured Chicken Sausage, Bag of Kale, Dijon Mustard fried in Coconut Oil; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps, 1 150mcg Kelp, 1 Green Tea Cap, 4,000iu Vitamin D, Fish oil

6oz Pastured Chicken Breast, 4oz Mixed Greens, 8oz Cucumbers, 4oz Mushrooms, 4 tablespoons Olive Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

8oz Grassfed Ground Beef, 3oz Chopped Onions, Bag of Broccoli with spices in Coconut Oil; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 1,872
Total Protein: 164
Total Fat: 116
Total Carb: 55

February 13, 2011

Day 6 CLC

Sunday Training and Diet Day 6

A: Power Snatch: 3, 3, 3; 3 min rests
B: 3 Power Clean + 1Split Jerk x 4; 3 min rests
C: Build to heavy triple OHS in 15 minutes
D: Build to heavy triple Front squat in 15 minutes
30 sec all out Row sprint x 5; 4 min walk rest b/t

A: 135/155/155
B: 155/185/185/205
C: 165
D: 175
Rows: Meters: 165/170/170/169/171

Very Disappointed with my Squat numbers, but I knew this would happen. I need to get my strength back in the bottom of my squat. I'm thinking about doing all squats at tempo like 22x1 or something like that to train my weak spots. Hips are smoked.. didn't get my ice bath in yesterday so will do that today and hopefully grab a walk in the AM tomorrow to help recover!

Homemade Grass-fed Beef Chili; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps, 1 150mcg Kelp, 1 Green Tea Cap, 4,000iu Vitamin D, Fish oil

Tall Iced Starbucks Americano pre wod. black.

3 eggs, 4oz Pastured Chicken Sausage, Bag of Kale, Dijon Mustard fried in Coconut Oil; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

8oz Grassfed Ground Beef, 4oz Chopped Onions, Bag of Broccoli, 4oz Avocado Mash with spices in Coconut Oil; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 1,752
Total Protein: 161
Total Fat: 88
Total Carb: 94

February 12, 2011

Day 5 CLC

Saturday Training and Diet Day 5


So far this has been a great week of training and my food and sleep has been on point. I'm going to bed around 8 each night and waking up around 6:30 (with a bathroom break in the middle of the night). Body feels a good other than my hip flexors are a little tight. I'm going to visit my sister tonight but before I go I hope to grab a contrast bath session after work. Goal is 5 Rounds 90 seconds in an ice bath, 90 seconds in a hot shower. Hopefully this will help me recovery for tomorrows HEAVY Olympic Session! On side note, might have taken to much Natural Calm last night.. I had a rough morning. If you know what this stuff is and what can happen when you over do it, you understand what I mean.. I'll save you the details. Will back down to 1tbsp before bed.

3 eggs, 4oz Pastured Chicken Sausage, Bag of Kale, Dijon Mustard fried in Coconut Oil; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps, 1 150mcg Kelp, 1 Green Tea Cap, 4,000iu Vitamin D, Fish oil

6oz Pastured Chicken Breast, 4oz Mixed Greens, 8oz Cucumbers, 4oz Mushrooms, 4 tablespoons Olive Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

8 oz Filet, 3 oz Shrimp, side of Asparagus; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 2,038
Total Protein: 194
Total Fat: 125
Total Carb: 36

February 10, 2011

Day 4 CLC

Friday Training and Diet Day 4
Fasted 40 minute Run at 140bpm

A1: Back Squat (high bar) 5,5,5,5 rest 2 mins.
A2: Weight Pullup 5,5,5,5 rest 2 mins.
5 Rounds
8 Power Clean
8 Bench Press
16 Box Jump (step downs)24"
rest 4 mins b/t rounds

AM Run:
Completed. Not sure if my Heart Rate monitor was malfunctioning but I felt like I was hardly running hard and it read my HR at 178 avg for the 40 mins. Was not tired or breathing heavy so I assume it was off. Ran at a conversational pace with a few short walk rest mixed in to bring my HR down a bit.

A1:185 no box/last 3 sets were on a box 185/235/235
A2:All sets at 25# palms facing away
Weights used:
Power Clean:155 Light and Fast - "Touch n Go"
Bench Press: 145 Light and Fast - (no spotter)
Round Times
1) 1:17
2) 1:21
3) 1:25
4) 1:25
5) 1:22

Homemade Grass-fed Beef Chili; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps, 1 150mcg Kelp, 1 Green Tea Cap, 4,000iu Vitamin D, Fish oil

Tall Iced Starbucks Americano pre wod. black.

8 oz Grassfed Ground Beef, 4oz Onions, 1 Bag of Chopped Spinach in Coconut Oil and Spices; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

8oz Grassfed Ground Beef, 4oz Chopped Onions, Bag of Broccoli, Avocado Mash with spices in Coconut Oil; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 1,918
Total Protein: 173
Total Fat: 88
Total Carb: 104

Day 3 CLC

Thursday Training and Diet Day 3

30 Minute Row at 120Bpm

Avg HRT: 128
Meters: 5,738
Avg/500m: 2:36.8
Cals: 306
Avg Watts:91

Diet Low Carb

3 eggs, 4oz Pastured Chicken Sausage, Bag of Kale, Dijon Mustard fried in Coconut Oil; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps, 1 150mcg Kelp, 1 Green Tea Cap, 4,000iu Vitamin D, Fish oil

6oz Pastured Chicken Breast, 4oz Mixed Greens, 8oz Cucumbers, 4oz Mushrooms, 4 tablespoons Olive Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

8oz Grassfed Ground Beef, 3oz Chopped Onions, Bag of Broccoli with spices in Coconut Oil; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 1,872
Total Protein: 164
Total Fat: 116
Total Carb: 55

February 7, 2011

Day 2 CLC

Wednesday Training & Diet Day 2

A1: Deadlift 8, 8, 8, 8; 1 min
A2: Push Press 8, 8, 8, 8; 1 min
4 rounds for time: (try to keep consistent round times)
20 kb swings (53)
20 pushups
20 pullups
20 air squats

A1: 140 x 4sets
A2: 225/275/245/225 (275 was to much.. 245 would have been perfect for all 4 sets. hard but not failure
Times for each round:
Total:14:55 Only did 3 rounds due to a rip on both hands.. and I was hurting.. out of shape.
PWOD: 1 Tablespoon each Creatine, BCAAs and Glutamine

Diet: Low Carb/Cal Depletion
3 eggs, 4oz Pastured Chicken Sausage, Bag of Kale, Dijon Mustard fried in Coconut Oil; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps, 1 150mcg Kelp, 1 Green Tea Cap, 4,000iu Vitamin D, Fish oil

6oz Pastured Chicken Breast, 4oz Mixed Greens, 8oz Cucumbers, 4oz Mushrooms, 4 tablespoons Olive Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

8oz Grassfed Ground Beef, 3oz Chopped Onions, Bag of Broccoli with spices in Coconut Oil; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 1,872
Total Protein: 164
Total Fat: 116
Total Carb: 55

Day 1 CLC

Tuesday Training & Diet Day 1

AM: Strength Test
Dead Lift 1RM
Back Squat 1RM
Close Grip Bench Press (14") 1RM
Weighted Pullup 1RM

PM: Capacity
2 Attempts at Max Watts on the ERG(row machine)
rest as needed
60 Second Row for Avg.Watts/bodyweight
rest as needed
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
8 CTB Pull Ups
8 Thrusters @ 95#
8 Burpees

All my Strength Number are way down due to lack of training from my knee injury.
DL: 335#
BS High Bar: 250#
CGPB: 240#
Weighted PU: 70#
PWOD: 1 Tablespoon each Creatine, BCAAs and Glutamine

Pretty embarrassing numbers.. Both my squat and dead lift are down about 50 pounds compared to when I was 20 pounds lighter!

Max Watts: 611
AvgWatts/Bwt: 430/190 - 2.26
AMRAP Rounds: 4 - puked for the first time in a wod. 1st round unbroken.. last 3 broken

Diet: Low Carb/Cal Depletion
3 eggs, 4oz Pastured Chicken Sausage, Bag of Kale, Dijon Mustard fried in Coconut Oil; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps, 1 150mcg Kelp, 1 Green Tea Cap, 4,000iu Vitamin D, Fish oil

6oz Pastured Chicken Breast, 4oz Mixed Greens, 4oz Bell Peppers, 6oz Cucumbers, 4oz Mushrooms, 4 tablespoons Olive Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

8oz Grassfed Ground Beef, 3oz Chopped Onions, Bag of Broccoli with spices in Coconut Oil; 5 Digestive Enzyme Caps

Probiotics Before Breakfast and Dinner

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 1,901
Total Protein: 165
Total Fat: 116
Total Carb: 60

Cyclic Low Carb Experiment

CLC Program Break Down
Tomorrow I will be starting my 8 Week Cyclic Low Carb and Training Experiment. Nathan Holiday ( ) will be providing me with a meal plan and a weekly training regiment. The Idea behind CLC is to deplete your Glucose storage by eating very low carb/calorie, moderate fat, mod/high protein for 3 days (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and the Morning of Friday are all low carb) Then from Friday PM and all day Saturday I carb LOAD!! (low fat, moderate protein, high carb) During this carb load phase I will be keeping to strict paleo foods like sweet potato, pumpkin, and fruits like berries and apples. I will be posting my food dairy as well as my training log. My goal is to stay with this program and improve my Body Comp. Lately I feel like I have been in a Rut as far as training and food goes. I had a knee injury that kept me away from a lot of strength movements as well as running and as a result, most of strength numbers are down and my weight has gone up!! Not exactly the results you aim for. So I just think I need something to be accountable for and actually have a goal to my training. Because just training is doing nothing for me at the moment! I'm a cheater.. I will cheat on my diet unless I have a reason not to. I sit at home and try to justify my cheat meals while I'm sitting back eating chocolate bars and ice cream.. Well no more.. Ive done this before and I can do it again! So here we go!!

AM: Strength Test
Dead Lift 1RM
Backsquat 1RM
Close Grip Bench Press (14") 1RM
Weighted Pullup 1RM

PM: Capacity
2 Attempts at Max Watts on the ERG(row machine)
rest as needed
60 Second Row for Avg.Watts/bodyweight
rest as needed
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
8 CTB Pull Ups
8 Thrusters @ 95#
8 Burpees

A1: Deadlift 8, 8, 8, 8; 1 min
A2: Push Press 8, 8, 8, 8; 1 min
4 rounds for time: (try to keep consistent round times)
20 kb swings (53)
20 pushups
20 pullups
20 air squats

30 Min Row at 120 Bpm

40 min run @ 140bpm

A1: Backsquat: 5, 5, 5, 5; 2 min rest
A2: Weighted Pullups; 5, 5, 5, 5; 2 min rest
5 rounds of:
8 power cleans
8 Bench press
16 box jumps
4 min rest

Rest/Recovery Walk 1 hour+

A: PowerSnatch: 3, 3, 3; 3 min rests
B: 3 PowerClean + 1Split Jerk x 4; 3 min rests
C: Build to heavy triple OHS in 15 minutes
D: Build to heavy triple Front squat in 15 minutes
30 sec all out Row sprint x 5; 4 min walk rest b/t

Rest/Recovery Walk 1 hour+