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February 7, 2011

Cyclic Low Carb Experiment

CLC Program Break Down
Tomorrow I will be starting my 8 Week Cyclic Low Carb and Training Experiment. Nathan Holiday ( ) will be providing me with a meal plan and a weekly training regiment. The Idea behind CLC is to deplete your Glucose storage by eating very low carb/calorie, moderate fat, mod/high protein for 3 days (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and the Morning of Friday are all low carb) Then from Friday PM and all day Saturday I carb LOAD!! (low fat, moderate protein, high carb) During this carb load phase I will be keeping to strict paleo foods like sweet potato, pumpkin, and fruits like berries and apples. I will be posting my food dairy as well as my training log. My goal is to stay with this program and improve my Body Comp. Lately I feel like I have been in a Rut as far as training and food goes. I had a knee injury that kept me away from a lot of strength movements as well as running and as a result, most of strength numbers are down and my weight has gone up!! Not exactly the results you aim for. So I just think I need something to be accountable for and actually have a goal to my training. Because just training is doing nothing for me at the moment! I'm a cheater.. I will cheat on my diet unless I have a reason not to. I sit at home and try to justify my cheat meals while I'm sitting back eating chocolate bars and ice cream.. Well no more.. Ive done this before and I can do it again! So here we go!!

AM: Strength Test
Dead Lift 1RM
Backsquat 1RM
Close Grip Bench Press (14") 1RM
Weighted Pullup 1RM

PM: Capacity
2 Attempts at Max Watts on the ERG(row machine)
rest as needed
60 Second Row for Avg.Watts/bodyweight
rest as needed
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
8 CTB Pull Ups
8 Thrusters @ 95#
8 Burpees

A1: Deadlift 8, 8, 8, 8; 1 min
A2: Push Press 8, 8, 8, 8; 1 min
4 rounds for time: (try to keep consistent round times)
20 kb swings (53)
20 pushups
20 pullups
20 air squats

30 Min Row at 120 Bpm

40 min run @ 140bpm

A1: Backsquat: 5, 5, 5, 5; 2 min rest
A2: Weighted Pullups; 5, 5, 5, 5; 2 min rest
5 rounds of:
8 power cleans
8 Bench press
16 box jumps
4 min rest

Rest/Recovery Walk 1 hour+

A: PowerSnatch: 3, 3, 3; 3 min rests
B: 3 PowerClean + 1Split Jerk x 4; 3 min rests
C: Build to heavy triple OHS in 15 minutes
D: Build to heavy triple Front squat in 15 minutes
30 sec all out Row sprint x 5; 4 min walk rest b/t

Rest/Recovery Walk 1 hour+

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