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August 31, 2011

New Workouts

Here are the Three New Workouts that Coach Anthony has programmed for me for the next 3 Weeks.

Coaching notes: Plenty of volume here, play around with loads and try not to hit failure. Lactate production, but not failure. The key to success here is time under tension

Workout A

A1: DB Step Ups @ 20X1; 4 X 10-12; rest 60 sec.
A2: Pull Ups @ 3111; 4 X 10; rest 60 sec.

B1: Lunges  3 X 12 Fast; rest 45 sec.
B2: Inc. DB Bench @ 4111; 3 X 10-12; rest 45 sec.

C1: Straight leg Dead lift @ 4010; 3 x 10; rest 45 sec.
C2: BB Shldr. press @ 3111; 3 X 10-12; rest 45 sec.

D1: seated DB Hammer Curl @ 4111; 2 X 10-12; rest 30 sec.
D2: Standing French press @ 4222; 2 X 10-12 ; rest 30 sec.

Workout B

A1: Good Morn. @ 3111; 4 X 10-12; rest 60 sec.
A2: Clap Push Up; 4 X 10; rest 45 sec.

B1: Leg Press @ 4010; 3 X 12-15; rest 60 sec.
B2: seated cable row to belly @ 30X2; 3 X 10-12; rest 45 sec.

C1: BB Curl @ 31X1; 2 X 10-12; rest 45 sec.
C2: Lying DB tricep ext. @ 41X1; 2 X 10-12; rest 30 sec.

Workout C
A1: Front Squat @ 40X1; 4 X 10-12; rest 60 sec.
A2: Bench press @ 40X1; 4 X 10-12; rest 60 sec.

B1: Lunge; 4 X 12-15; rest 60 sec.
B2: BB Row @ 3111; 3 X 10-12; rest 60 sec.

C2:Reverse BB Curl @ 2121; 2 X 12-15; rest 30 sec.
C2: Tricep press down supinated @ 3121; 2 X 12-15; rest 30 sec.

Wednesday Training and Diet

- AM Fasted Cardio -
Did 20 minutes on the Bike and another 10 minutes on the StairMaster. Average Heart Rate was 115bpm. This type of light cardio will start to be thrown in way more than usual, not just on rest days. My plan is to hit my workouts in the AM and then come back after work and do a cardio session in the PM before dinner.

Meal 1 (8:30am) 18 hour fast
5 Eggs Scrambled in Coconut Oil

Meal 2 (11:00am)
1 Can of Tuna with an Avocado

Meal 3 (2:00pm)
5oz Cod with 2 tbsp EVOO and Spring Mixed Greens

Meal 4 (5:00pm)
4oz Bison with Collard Greens and Garlic Ginger Vinaigrette

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based on
Calories: 1,664
Protein: 130g
Fat: 98g
Net Carbs: 16g

August 30, 2011

Tuesday Training and Diet

A1: Dumbbell Altn'g Lunge @ 20X1; 15-20 reps; rest 45 sec  X 4.
A2: Lat Pull Down to sternum (neutral grip) @ 3211; 10-12 reps; rest 45
sec X 4.
A3: Lying leg curls (feet neutral) @ 5011; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec X 4.
A4: Decl. DB Tricep Ext. @ 4011; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec  X 4.
B1: Leg Press @ 2010; 15-20 reps; rest 45 sec  X 3.
B2: Seated Cable Row @ 4010; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec X 3
C1: Cable Crunch 15 x 3 sets; 0 sec rest
C2: DB Side Bends 10/side x 3 sets; rest 0 sec rest

Last Cycle
A1: 65 x 20 x 4 sets
A2: 165 x 12 x 4 sets
A3: 155 x 12 x 4 sets
A4: 25 x 12 x 4 sets
B1: 290 x 20/310 x 20/320 x 20
B2: 165 x 12/10/10/10

Today's Results
A1: 50# x 20
A2: 170# x 10
A3: 145# x 12
A4: 25# x 10
B1: 270# x 15
B2: 165# x 10

Notes: Took a little off everything today.. My back was feeling a little tight the entire morning. Took a little less time between sets. Still not feeling great after that carb load.. definitely did something wrong. I'm going to cut calories down a bit lower this week and see where I'm at in 5 or 6 days..  I think What I'll end up doing is condensing the carb load window down to just Post workout and One meal an hour after that every 5 to 6 days. These longer feed windows are to much for my body to handle at the moment I feel. Live and Learn. Onward!!

- Got a great 3 Week Cycle of Programming coming up here from Coach Anthony -
Pre Wod (5:30am) - Cellucor C4 Extreme

Meal 1 (7:20am)
Post Wod - 1 Scoop Whey Protein and So Delicious Coconut Milk

Meal 2 (8:30am)
5.5oz Chicken Breast with an Avocado
Meal 3 (2:00pm)
6.5oz Bison with Broccoli, Avocado and Garlic and Ginger Vinaigrette

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based on
Calories: 1,645
Protein: 125g
Fat: 97g
Net Carbs: 17g

August 29, 2011

Monday Training and Diet

- The Day After the Storm -

Lots of water damage around town. Across the street the houses were flooded up above the front doors! We lost power and water around Noon yesterday but everything turned back on around 11pm. A lot of mud slide damage near the academy but other than that it was pretty mild.

Some notes on my Carb Load yesterday.. I think I over did the sucrose a little bit. I woke up a little foggy this morning and looked kind of smooth. I had to skip the early AM workout this morning but I will make it before Lunch time. Not hungry at all this morning so I will do a fast and eat after I train with some BCAA's pre workout.

A1: Back Squat @ 2010; 15-20 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4.
A2: Pronated Front Lat Pull down @ 3010; 10-12; rest 30 sec  X 4.
A3: DB semi stiff leg DL @ 4020; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4
A4: Seated EZ bar French Press @ 3021; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4.
B1: Seated abduction machine @ 3010; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec. X 4.
B2: Seated rope rows to face @ 2111; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4
C1: Kneeling Cable Crunch: 3 x 15 reps, no rest
C2: DB Side Bends @ 2010; 8 reps/side x 3. rest :60.

A1: 185 x 15/15/175 x 15/165 x 15 (done on Smith Machine)
A2: 165 x 12/12/12/12
A3: 80 x 10/10/10/10
A4: 50 x 10/10/ 40 x 12/12
B1: 205 x 12/12/210 x 12/12
B2: 90 x 12/10/10/10
C1: 160 x 12/12/12
C2: 50 x 10/10/10/side
D: Back Ext: 3 x 15

Today's Results
A1: 175 x 15 x 3
A2: 170 x 12/12/10
A3: 80 x 10
A4: 50 x 10/40 x 10/10
B1: 215 x 12 x 3
B2: 90 x 10/ 75 x 10 x 2
C: Hanging Controlled K2E 3 x 10

Notes: Didn't have it in the gym today.. Might have been to all the sugar I ate yesterday might have been the fast this morning. Whatever the reason I workout with what my body was giving me.. Felt very shaky today. Weird feeling.

Meal 1 (12:30 PM) Post Wod
2 Scoops Whey Protein

Meal 2 (1:00 PM) 15 hour Fast
5oz Cod and Sardines with 2 tbsp EVOO over Spring Mixed Greens

Meal 3 (PM)
6.5oz Bison with French Cut Green Beans and Ginger Garlic Vinaigrette

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based on
Calories: 1,625
Protein: 152g
Fat: 74g
Net Carbs: 15g

August 28, 2011

Sunday Training and Diet

- Rest Day/Carb Re-Load Day -

Meal 1 (AM)
Gluten Free French Toast Stix with Chocolate and Maple Syrup + 3 Egg Whites

Meal 2 (AM)
Gluten Free Oatmeal with Raisins, Honey and Whey Protein

Meal 3 (AM)
2 Slices of Gluten Free Bread and 3 Egg Whites

Meal 4 (PM)
Sweet Potato Puree and 3oz Chicken

Meal 5 (PM)
Butternut Squash Puree and 1 Can of Tuna

Meal 6 (PM)
Spaghetti Squash with Bison and Tomato Sauce

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based on
Calories: 3,718
Protein: 160g
Fat: 41g
Net Carbs: 570g

August 27, 2011

Saturday Training and Diet

- AM Fasted Cardio -

Did an easy 35 minutes on the exercise bike this morning.. Average Heart Rate was 110bpm. Worked up a light sweat, breathing was normal, body felt fine this morning... not sore at all. I've got my next two days planned out perfectly as far as my carb load goes and what types of food I will be eating when. Should be a fun time especially with this Hurricane coming thru on Sunday.. If we get it as bad as they are predicting I'll actually be in heaven.. Sitting in the house all day eating :)

AM Food - Low Carb/Calorie, High Fat Moderate Protein. Looking to consume only around 1,300 calories this morning before my PM Depletion Workout. I will do some Fructose and Protein Pre Wod. The reasoning behind this is I will fill up Liver Glycogen and this will give me a little more energy for my workout.. The workout should still actually keep depleting my muscles glycogen.. Then when I Carb Load Post Wod, it should go straight to filling up my Muscle Glycogen storage.. Theoretically!

Meal 1 (9:00AM) 15 hour fast
5 Eggs in Coconut Oil

Meal 2 (11:00am)
1 can of Tuna and Sardines with 2 tbsp EVOO over Spring Mixed Greens

Meal 3 (pm) Pre Wod
1 Fruit Smoothie Juice Box and 15g Whey Protein

Meal 4 (pm) Post Wod
2 Scoops Whey Protein and 1 Can of Organic Pumpkin Pie Mix Puree

Meal 4 (pm)
5oz Chicken and 1 Can of Organic Pumpkin Pie Mix Puree

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based on
Calories: 2,714
Protein: 190g
Fat: 80g
Net Carbs: 264g (220g of which are coming post wod and 30g Pre)

August 26, 2011

Friday Training and Diet

A1: Dumbbell Altn'g Lunge @ 20X1; 15-20 reps; rest 45 sec  X 4.
A2: Lat Pull Down to sternum (neutral grip) @ 3211; 10-12 reps; rest 45
sec X 4.
A3: Lying leg curls (feet neutral) @ 5011; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec X 4.
A4: Decl. DB Tricep Ext. @ 4011; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec  X 4.
B1: Leg Press @ 2010; 15-20 reps; rest 45 sec  X 3.
B2: Seated Cable Row @ 4010; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec X 3
C1: Cable Crunch 15 x 3 sets; 0 sec rest
C2: DB Side Bends 10/side x 3 sets; rest 0 sec rest

Last Cycle
A1: 65 x 20 x 4sets
A2: 150 x 12/12/165 x 10/10
A3: 150 x 12/155 x 12/12/12
A4: 25 x 12/12/10/10
B1: 270 x 20/290 x 20/310 x 20
B2: 165 x 12/10/150 x 12
C1: 150 x 15, rest 0 sec.
C2: 45# x 12/side; rest 1 minute x 3 sets

Today's Results
A1: 65 x 20 x 4 sets
A2: 165 x 12 x 4 sets
A3: 155 x 12 x 4 sets
A4: 25 x 12 x 4 sets
B1: 290 x 20/310 x 20/320 x 20
B2: 165 x 12/10/10/10

Notes: That last set of Lunges and the last set of leg press was about all I had left in the tank! Good push today. One more solid day tomorrow and then I carb load tomorrow night and all day Sunday! Haven't really noticed a lull in my training when I'm depleting. Still feeling pretty strong in the gym, continuing to push myself on all the movements to near failure. Tomorrow's workout will be slightly modified to get the response I want. less weight, more reps, shorter rest periods with maybe a few body weight movements thrown into the mix at the end. Nothing crazy or out of my comfort level as far as energy systems are concerned.

Pre Wod (4:30am) - Cellucor C4 Extreme

Meal 1 (6:30am)
Post Wod - 1 Scoop Whey Protein and So Delicious Coconut Milk

Meal 2 (7:20am)
5 Eggs scrambled in Coconut Oil with an Avocado

Meal 3 (12:00pm)
5oz Chicken with Mixed Greens, Sardines and 2 Tbsp of EVOO

Meal 4 (6:00pm)
7oz Sashi Tuna Tartar - Avocado, Cilantro, Scallions and Letuce Wraps

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based on
Calories: 1,881
Protein: 160g
Fat: 117g
Net Carbs: 16

August 25, 2011

Thursday Training and Diet

A1: Back Squat @ 2010; 15-20 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4.
A2: Pronated Front Lat Pull down @ 3010; 10-12; rest 30 sec  X 4.
A3: DB semi stiff leg DL @ 4020; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4
A4: Seated EZ bar French Press @ 3021; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4.
B1: Seated abduction machine @ 3010; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec. X 4.
B2: Seated rope rows to face @ 2111; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4
C1: Kneeling Cable Crunch: 3 x 15 reps, no rest
C2: DB Side Bends @ 2010; 8 reps/side x 3. rest :60.

A1: 185 x 15 x 4 sets
A2: 165 x 12 x 4 sets
A3: 75 x 12/ 80 x 10 x 3 sets
A4: 50 x 12/10/ 40 x 12/10
B1: 205 x 12 x 4 sets
B2: 90 x 12/10/10/10
C: Side Planks, :30/side rest :10 x 4
D: Practice L-Sits for AMSAP

Today's Results
A1: 185 x 15/15/175 x 15/165 x 15 ***
A2: 165 x 12/12/12/12
A3: 80 x 10/10/10/10
A4: 50 x 10/10/ 40 x 12/12
B1: 205 x 12/12/210 x 12/12
B2: 90 x 12/10/10/10
C1: 160 x 12/12/12
C2: 50 x 10/10/10/side
D: Back Ext: 3 x 15

*** The Back Squats were done on the Smith Machine or Squat Assist Machine.. This was my first time using this machine and I gotta tell you I think these were much harder.. It forced me to keep a very upright torso. I will be using this more, not every time but off and on to get a different response.

Pre Wod (5:10am) - Cellucor C4 Extreme

Meal 1 (7:00am)
Post Wod - 1.5 Scoops Whey Protein and So Delicious Coconut Milk

Meal 2 (8:00am)
5 Eggs Scrambled in Red Palm Oil

Meal 3 (11:30pm)
4oz Chicken and 1 can of Sardines with 1 tbsp Evoo and Baby Spring Mix

Meal 4 (6:00pm)
5.5oz Bison with French Cut Green Beans and Garlic Ginger Vinaigrette

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based on
Calories: 1,961
Protein: 163g
Fat: 103g
Net Carbs: 23

August 24, 2011

Wednesday Training and Diet

- Rest Day -
Woke and wasn't to hungry.. Decided to grab a Venti Espresso and just do a little 16 hour fast. Yesterday I hit some big PRs for me and it felt great.. Last two days in the gym I was really focused. Each day I woke up without an alarm at like 4:30 ready to kill it.. Normally I would just close my eyes and try to grab a lil more sleep.. but I decided to run with what my body was telling me. I've been sleeping great, everything is in order - food, stress levels etc.. Really in a good place right now mentally. I can see my body making changes just in the past week. Really looking forward to three weeks from now when I'm done with this UD2 diet and see my before and after pics! Tomorrow is actually the first day of my first true UD2 cycle. With the Wedding and other things being tossed into my schedule I've had to improvise.

Meal 1 (10:00am)
5 Eggs Scrambled

Meal 2 (11:00am)
 1 Can of Wild Caught Tuna and Sardines in evoo with 1 tbsp Evoo and Baby Spring Mix

Meal 3 (12:30pm)
4oz Chicken with Avocado Slices

Meal 4 (5:00pm)
6oz Bison with Collard Greens and Garlic Ginger Vinaigrette

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based on
Calories: 1,873
Protein: 161g
Fat: 108g
Net Carbs: 15

August 23, 2011

Tuesday Training and Diet 7 Week 1

A1: Back Squat @ 2010; 15-20 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4.
A2: Pronated Front Lat Pull down @ 3010; 10-12; rest 30 sec  X 4.
A3: DB semi stiff leg DL @ 4020; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4
A4: Seated EZ bar French Press @ 3021; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4.
B1: Seated abduction machine @ 3010; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec. X 4.
B2: Seated rope rows to face @ 2111; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4
C1: Kneeling Cable Crunch: 3 x 15 reps, no rest
C2: DB Side Bends @ 2010; 8 reps/side x 3. rest :60.

A1: 170 x 15/15/15/15
A2: 165 x 12/12/10/10
A3: 75 x 12/12/12/10
A4: 50 x 10/10/40 x 10/10
B1: 90 x 10/10/10/75 x 12
B2: 190 x 12/ 205 x 12/12/10
C1: 150 x 15 x 3
C2: 45/side x 10 x 3

Today's Results
A1: 185 x 15 x 4 sets
A2: 165 x 12 x 4 sets
A3: 75 x 12/ 80 x 10 x 3 sets
A4: 50 x 12/10/ 40 x 12/10
B1: 205 x 12 x 4 sets
B2: 90 x 12/10/10/10
C: Side Planks, :30/side rest :10 x 4
D: Practice L-Sits for AMSAP

Pre Wod (4:30am) - Cellucor C4 Extreme

Meal 1 (6:00am)
Post Wod - 1 Scoop Whey Protein and So Delicious Coconut Milk

Meal 2 (7:00am)
5 Eggs with an Avocado

Meal 3 (11:30pm)
5oz Chicken and 1 can of Sardines with 2 tbsp Evoo and Baby Spring Mix

Meal 4 (6:00pm)
6oz Bison with Collard Greens and Avocado Slices

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based on
Calories: 1,963
Protein: 163g
Fat: 112g
Net Carbs: 16

August 22, 2011

Monday Training and Diet Day 6 Week 1

A1: Dumbbell Altn'g Lunge @ 20X1; 15-20 reps; rest 45 sec  X 4.
A2: Lat Pull Down to sternum (neutral grip) @ 3211; 10-12 reps; rest 45
sec X 4.
A3: Lying leg curls (feet neutral) @ 5011; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec X 4.
A4: Decl. DB Tricep Ext. @ 4011; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec  X 4.
B1: Leg Press @ 2010; 15-20 reps; rest 45 sec  X 3.
B2: Seated Cable Row @ 4010; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec X 3
C1: Cable Crunch 15 x 3 sets; 0 sec rest
C2: DB Side Bends 10/side x 3 sets; rest 0 sec rest

Last Cycle
A1: 60 x20/20/20/20
A2: 135 x 12/12/10/10
A3: 150 x 12/12/12/12
A4: 25# 12/12/10/10
B1: 250 x 20/270 x 20/290 x 20
B2: 150 x 12/12/12
C: Hanging Knees to Elbow - Slow & Controlled 3 x 10 reps, rest 1 minute
D: Side Planks :30/side rest :10/side x 2

Today's Results
A1: 65 x 20 x 4sets
A2: 150 x 12/12/165 x 10/10
A3: 150 x 12/155 x 12/12/12
A4: 25 x 12/12/10/10
B1: 270 x 20/290 x 20/310 x 20
B2: 165 x 12/10/150 x 12
C1: 150 x 15, rest 0 sec.
C2: 45# x 12/side; rest 1 minute x 3 sets

Felt like I was gonna puke at the end of today's workout. Moved fast through the cycles and I was dying at the end.. That last set of leg presses left my quads feeling like jello.. I could barely push off and brace my self on the seated cable rows my legs were so dead. Big push today.. wanted to see how my body would react to the carb load and I can honestly say this is the best I've felt in the gym.. could be mental.. well see how this workout feels in a few days when I'm depleted.

Pre Wod (5:00am) - Cellucor C4 Extreme

Meal 1 (7:00am)
Post Wod - 1.5 Scoops Whey Protein and So Delicious Coconut Milk

Meal 2 (8:00am)
5 Eggs with an Avocado

Meal 3 (12:00pm)
4oz Sockeye Salmon and 1 can of Sardines with 1 tbsp Evoo and Baby Spring Mix

Meal 4 (6:00pm)
6oz Bison with Collard Greens and Basil/Parsley Pesto

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based on
Calories: 1,967
Protein: 164g
Fat: 113g
Net Carbs: 16

August 21, 2011

Sunday Training and Diet Day 5 Week 1

-Rest Day-

Some things I noticed about yesterdays Carb Load.. I felt great after my first three meals.. They were made up mostly of starchy carbs.. I did have some Oatmeal and Honey but felt normal after that meal just really full. Then later in the day I had some gluten free French toast covered in Syrup and I really noticed a difference in my energy levels.. I had a big spike right after that meal and then about a half hour later I got a little sleepy and foggy headed.. Can't really describe the feeling, just strange.. This morning when I woke up I felt great.. Was still a little sleepy (nothing a Venti Espresso can't fix) but when I looked in the mirror I actually looked lean and not puffy.. So my thinking is I handled the carbs well and ate just the right amounts of Glucose vs Sucrose vs Fructose. So all in all this carb load was a success.. Going to continue to monitor my mood and energy levels today as I shift back to Hight Fat Low Carb and also note my strength in the gym tomorrow morning. May even do a little cardio after work to kick into depletion mode.

Meal 1 (8:30am)
6 Eggs in Coconut Oil

Meal 2 (12:00pm)
5oz Sockeye Salmon with 2 tbsp Evoo and Baby Spring Mix
Meal 3 (pm)
5oz Chicken with Avocado Slices

Meal 4 (6:00pm)
6oz Bison with Broccoli and Basil/Parsely Pesto

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based on
Calories: 1,930
Protein: 158g
Fat: 121g
Net Carbs: 21

August 20, 2011

Saturday Training and Diet Day 4 Week 1

A1: Back Squat @ 2010; 15-20 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4.
A2: Pronated Front Lat Pull down @ 3010; 10-12; rest 30 sec  X 4.
A3: DB semi stiff leg DL @ 4020; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4
A4: Seated EZ bar French Press @ 3021; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4.
B1: Seated abduction machine @ 3010; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec. X 4.
B2: Seated rope rows to face @ 2111; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4
C1: Kneeling Cable Crunch: 3 x 15 reps, no rest
C2: DB Side Bends @ 2010; 8 reps/side x 3. rest :60.

A1: 155 x 15 x 4 sets
A2: 165 x 12/10/10/10
A3: 75 x 12/10/10/10
A4: 50# EZ Bar - 10/10/ 40# x 10/10
B1: 190 x 12/ 205 x 12/10/10
B2: 90 x 10/ 75 x 10/10/10
C1: 150 x 12 x 4 sets
C2: 45# x 10/side x 4 sets

Today's Results
A1: 170 x 15/15/15/15
A2: 165 x 12/12/10/10
A3: 75 x 12/12/12/10
A4: 50 x 10/10/40 x 10/10
B1: 90 x 10/10/10/75 x 12
B2: 190 x 12/ 205 x 12/12/10
C1: 150 x 15 x 3
C2: 45/side x 10 x 3

Notes: Squats were pretty strong in the first two sets, but those last two.. man it felt like I was running sprints near the end I was so winded!!! Love this feeling though.. gonna keep pushing the weight at 15reps I think and then once I hit a weight I just barely make, then I will try that weight for 15+

Today is my Carb Load - Goal at least 600g Carbs... Not easy.. Fat has to stay around 40-50g with BWT in grams of Protein. Going to pay close attention to how I feel throughout the day and how I look tomorrow morning.

Pre Wod (5:15am) - Cellucor C4 Extreme

Meal 1 (7:15am)
Post Wod - 2 Scoops Whey and 4.5 servings of Sweet Potato Puree (135g CHO)

Meal 2 (8:15am)
Gluten Free Oatmeal with Honey, Raisins and 1 Scoop Whey Protein

Meal 3 (12:00pm)
7oz Chicken Breast with 4 servings of Butternut Squash Puree (48g CHO)

Meal 4 (4:00pm)
Gluten Free French Toast with Chocolate Flavored Syrup

Meal 5 (5:30pm)
5oz Bison with Spaghetti Squash and Tomato Sauce

Meal 6 (pm)
4 Egg White and 2 Slices of Gluten Free Bread

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based on
Calories: 3,859
Protein: 192g
Fat: 46g
Net Carbs: 555

August 19, 2011

Friday Training and Diet Day 3 Week 1

-Rest Day-

Decided to do a little IF this morning. I wrapped dinner up last night around 6:30pm.. There was a noticeable difference in my body comp this morning. I can see all the weight starting drop off that I put on over the weekend.. I left for the wedding at 188 and came back at 205:) I know a lot of it was just water weight.. but I'll be the first to tell you I ate like complete shit!! When I got back, my ankles/legs were so swollen you could stick you finger and inch into my skin. Even when I looked at pics of me at the wedding, my face looked puffy.. I was shocked at how fast I put the weight on but was relieved by the fact that if it went on that fast, I should be able to take it off just as fast. I figure in a few more days I should be back down to 185 or so and then I will continue on with my planned diet.. right now doing less than 30g Carbs a day is leaving me feeling a little tired and fatigued after that huge insulin spike I had this weekend. I can feel the difference between running off fat and running off sugar.. very cool stuff ahead!!

Meal 1 (9:30am)
6 Eggs in Coconut Oil with an Avocado

Meal 2 (2:00pm)
5oz Sockeye Salmon and 1 can of Sardines in evoo with 2 tbsp Evoo and Baby Spring Mix

Meal 3 (6:00pm)
6oz Bison with Broccoli and Basil/Parsely Pesto

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based on
Calories: 1,992
Protein: 140g
Fat: 136g
Net Carbs: 21

August 18, 2011

Thursday Training and Diet Day 2 Week 1

A1: Dumbbell Altn'g Lunge @ 20X1; 15-20 reps; rest 45 sec  X 4.
A2: Lat Pull Down to sternum (neutral grip) @ 3211; 10-12 reps; rest 45
sec X 4.
A3: Lying leg curls (feet neutral) @ 5011; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec X 4.
A4: Decl. DB Tricep Ext. @ 4011; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec  X 4.
B1: Leg Press @ 2010; 15-20 reps; rest 45 sec  X 3.
B2: Seated Cable Row @ 4010; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec X 3
C1: Cable Crunch 15 x 3 sets; 0 sec rest
C2: DB Side Bends 10/side x 3 sets; rest 1 min.

1st Cycle
A1: 55# - 20/20/18/18
A2: 105 x 15/135 x 12/150 x 10/ x 10
A3: 140 x 12/ 145 x 3sets x 12
A4: 15 x 12/25 x 3sets x 10
B1: 250 x 15/ 235 x 3 sets x 15 reps
B2: 120 x 12/ 135 x 12/ 135 x 10/ 125 x 10

2nd Cycle
A1: 55#/arm x 20 x 4
A2: 150# x 12/12/12/10
A3: 145# x 12/12/150# x 12/10
A4: 25# x 10 x 4
B1: 235# 15 x 4
B2: 135 x 10/12/12/10

3rd Cycle
A1: 60 x 20/20/20/16
A2: 150 x 12/12/10/10
A3: 150 x 12/155 x 12/10/10
A4:25 x 10/12/10/10
B1:240 x 20/250 x 20/260 x 20
B2:140 x 12/10/150 x 10

C1: 150 x 15 x 3 sets
C2: 45# x 10/side x 3 sets

Today's Results
A1: 60 x20/20/20/20
A2: 135 x 12/12/10/10
A3: 150 x 12/12/12/12
A4: 25# 12/12/10/10
B1: 250 x 20/270 x 20/290 x 20
B2: 150 x 12/12/12
C: Hanging Knees to Elbow - Slow & Controlled 3 x 10 reps, rest 1 minute
D: Side Planks :30/side rest :10/side x 2

A little sore this morning but powered through the lunges and ended up going big feeling strong near the end of the workout on the leg press.. I can definitely tell my ability to recovery has suffered from this weekend.. I actually started to feel a bit sick near the end of the workout, light headed and nauseous. We'll see how I feel as the day goes on.. but right now I feel like I've just been zapped of all my energy, almost like im getting sick..

Pre Wod (5:15am) - Cellucor C4 Extreme

Meal 1 (7:15am)
Post Wod - 1.5 Scoops Whey Protein and So Delicious Coconut Milk

Meal 2 (8:15am)
6 Eggs in Coconut Oil with an Avocado

Meal 3 (12:00pm)
5oz Sockeye Salmon with 2 tbsp Evoo and Baby Spring Mix

Meal 4 (6:00pm)
6oz Bison with Broccoli and Avocado Slices

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based on
Calories: 1,975
Protein: 160g
Fat: 118g
Net Carbs: 23

August 17, 2011

Wednesday Training and Diet Day 1 Week 1

Today is Day 1 of my Modified Ultimate Diet. I spoke with Nathan yesterday and even tho it wasn't exactly how we had it written down we counted this wedding weekend as my Carb Replete.. So its right back on schedule only I will just carb load one day this week. After that its back to my true UD2 diet schedule.

A1: Back Squat @ 2010; 15-20 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4.
A2: Pronated Front Lat Pull down @ 3010; 10-12; rest 30 sec  X 4.
A3: DB semi stiff leg DL @ 4020; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4
A4: Seated EZ bar French Press @ 3021; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4.
B1: Seated abduction machine @ 3010; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec. X 4.
B2: Seated rope rows to face @ 2111; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4
C1: Kneeling Cable Crunch: 3 x 15 reps, no rest
C2: DB Side Bends @ 2010; 8 reps/side x 3. rest :60.

1st Cycle
A1: 135 x 20/15/15/15
A2: 135 x 12/ 150 x10/10/135 x 10
A3: 65 x 12/ 75 x 10/10/ 65 x 10
A4: 40#EZ Bar 10 x 4 sets
B1: 175 x12/ 12/12/12
B2: 80 x 10/10/ 75 x 10/10
C1: 140 x 15 x 3 sets
C2: 40# x8/side x 3 sets

2nd Cycle
A1: 135 x 20 x 4 sets
A2: 150 x 12/12/12/10
A3: 65 x 12/ 75 x 10/10/10
A4: 40# x 10 x 4 sets
B1:180 x 12/ 190 x 12/12/10
B2: 90 x10/80x10/75x10/10
C1: 140 x 15 x 3 sets
C2: 40# x 10/side x 3 sets

Today's Results
A1: 155 x 15 x 4 sets
A2: 165 x 12/10/10/10
A3: 75 x 12/10/10/10
A4: 50# EZ Bar - 10/10/ 40# x 10/10
B1: 190 x 12/ 205 x 12/10/10
B2: 90 x 10/ 75 x 10/10/10
C1: 150 x 12 x 4 sets
C2: 45# x 10/side x 4 sets

Felt great to get back in the gym after more than a few days off.. Grip was limiting today.. other than that I went in today with high intensity and everything felt fast and strong.. Will go up on the squats next time to 165-170 for sets of 15 and then stay there until I hit sets of 20 x 4.

Pre Wod (5:15am) - Cellucor C4 Extreme

Meal 1 (7:15am)
Post Wod - 1 Scoops Whey Protein and So Delicious Coconut Milk

Meal 2 (8:15am)
6 Eggs in Coconut Oil with an Avocado

Meal 3 (12:00am)
5oz Silver Brite Salmon with 2 tbsp Evoo and Baby Spring Mix

Meal 4 (6:00pm)
Ground Bison with French Cut Green Beans with Basil/Parsley Pesto

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based on
Calories: 1,897
Protein: 157g
Fat: 113g
Net Carbs: 24

August 16, 2011

Playing Catch Up

I was away this weekend attending my best friends Wedding in Altoona PA. Its seldom that all of my friends are in the same place at the same time so of course we made the most of it.. Out drinking every night until 4AM.. Eating crappy food.... It was awesome.. I never usually let myself loose like that but it felt so good. I had so much fun this weekend, I'll never forget it.. I'm not even upset with myself for the choices I made.. Just time to get back on the rails and continue Onward!!

Decided to do a little fast this morning along with some caloric restriction. Not gonna do a food log for the days I missed.. When I could I ate clean, when I was at the wedding I ate what was served. I was swollen in my face and legs so I definitely ate some gluten. But other than that it was Protein and Fats.

No training today, still pretty exhausted so I slept in and will get in the gym tomorrow morning Bright and Early


Meal 1 (7:15am)
1 Can of Tuna and Sardine in EVOO over Mixed Spring Greens

Meal 2 (8:15am)
Ground Bison with Broccoli and Pesto Sauce

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based on
Calories: 1,077
Protein: 99g
Fat: 54g
Net Carbs: 14

August 11, 2011

Thursday Training and Diet Day 9/10

A1: Dumbbell Altn'g Lunge @ 20X1; 15-20 reps; rest 45 sec  X 4.
A2: Lat Pull Down to sternum (neutral grip) @ 3211; 10-12 reps; rest 45
sec X 4.
A3: Lying leg curls (feet neutral) @ 5011; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec X 4.
A4: Decl. DB Tricep Ext. @ 4011; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec  X 4.
B1: Leg Press @ 2010; 15-20 reps; rest 45 sec  X 3.
B2: Seated Cable Row @ 4010; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec X 3
C1: Cable Crunch 15 x 3 sets; 0 sec rest
C2: DB Side Bends 10/side x 3 sets; rest 1 min.

1st Cycle
A1: 55# - 20/20/18/18
A2: 105 x 15/135 x 12/150 x 10/ x 10
A3: 140 x 12/ 145 x 3sets x 12
A4: 15 x 12/25 x 3sets x 10
B1: 250 x 15/ 235 x 3 sets x 15 reps
B2: 120 x 12/ 135 x 12/ 135 x 10/ 125 x 10

2nd Cycle
A1: 55#/arm x 20 x 4
A2: 150# x 12/12/12/10
A3: 145# x 12/12/150# x 12/10
A4: 25# x 10 x 4
B1: 235# 15 x 4
B2: 135 x 10/12/12/10

Today's Results
A1: 60 x 20/20/20/16
A2: 150 x 12/12/10/10
A3: 150 x 12/155 x 12/10/10
A4:25 x 10/12/10/10
B1:240 x 20/250 x 20/260 x 20
B2:140 x 12/10/150 x 10
C1: 150 x 15 x 3 sets
C2: 45# x 10/side x 3 sets

Pre Wod (5:15am) - Cellucor C4 Extreme and Bcaa's

Meal 1 (7:15am)
Post Wod - 1 Scoops Whey Protein and So Delicious Coconut Milk

Meal 2 (8:15am)
Homemade Tuna Salad

Meal 3 (12:00am)
5oz Silver Brite Salmon with 1 can of Sardine in EVOO with 2 tbsp Evoo and Baby Spring Mix

Meal 4 (3:00pm)

Meal 5 (6:00pm)
3.5oz Bison/1.5oz Chicken with Broccoli and Avocado Slices

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based on
Calories: 1,975
Protein: 165g
Fat: 117g
Net Carbs: 20

August 10, 2011

Wednesday Training and Diet Day 8/10

-Rest Day-

Meal 1 (8:30am)
5 Eggs Scrambled in Coconut Oil

Meal 2 (10:30am)
1 Can of Tuna and Sardine in Evoo with 1 tbsp of Evoo over Mixed Greens

Meal 3 (12:30pm)
5oz Chicken and Avocado

Meal 4 (5:30pm)
5oz Bison and Kale with Garlic Ginger Vinaigrette

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based on
Calories: 1,959
Protein: 161g
Fat: 122g
Net Carbs: 20

August 9, 2011

Just a few Updates

So some observations I've been making since going really LOW Carb.. First couple days were nothing.. I usually eat low carb as it is and like to think I am burning fat as my primary fuel.. So I didn't expect a rough transition to 30g of Carbs or less.. It was pretty seamless. Had great energy in my workouts.. Was up and ready for the entire day, never got tired near the end of my work day and sleep was great. Fast forward to today.. Sleep the last few nights have been rough.. waking up 3 or 4 times in the middle of the night, but I when I woke up for my workouts I felt rested.. maybe a little sleepy. But once I got that C4 in my body I was up and ready to go.. Today was the first day I noticed a lack of energy near the end of my day.. Tired, grumpy, no patience.. took everything in me to stay positive and focused in my lesson this afternoon. This was to be expected though so I'm not really that surprised.

Now for the fun stuff!!

-My Modified Ultimate Diet 2.0-

This diet plan is based off of Lyle McDonald's book the Ultimate Diet 2.0
Great read!
I outlined this in a previous post but we had to make some small modifications to match up with my current training program. Not to sure what Day I will actually start this diet, the book calls for the carb load to be on Saturday since you will be tired and groggy.. but the weekend is where I need to ON. So I will most likely carb load on Sunday and Monday.
The Schedule would something like this:

WEEK 1 & 3
Day 1
Diet: Low Carb (around 10% lower than maintenance cals) 
Workout: A

Day 2 
Diet: Low Carb (around 10% lower than maintenance cals) 
Workout B

Day 3
Rest or long easy aerobic base (30-60m below 125bpm) 

Day 4 
Diet: AM Low Carb, PM (after workout) 150-200g Carbs post until bedtime (Pre workout do 30-50g Cho with 30-50g PRO)
Workout: A (modified - increase reps by 20% at lighter weights to achieve complete glycogen depletion)
Day 5 
Diet: High Carb (around 800-1000g) with about bodyweight grams in protein, and around 40g of fat total
Workout: Rest

Day 6 
Diet: bodyweight grams in protein and carbs, about 10% above maintenance cals. To get there, fat as needed
Workout: A

Day 7
 Diet: Same as Saturday during the day. Around 5 pm back to low carb
Workout: Rest
WEEK 2 & 4
Exactly the same except the switch all the workouts up (so for A sub B and vice versa). This gives me the chance when I'm fully Glycogen replenished to train both A and B workouts.
I will have a more detailed list later giving exact numbers that I look to hit on these days.. as well as a breakdown in the carbs I will be eating and when i.e. Fructose, Sucrose and Glucose. This is very important.. You would think this carb load is time when I get to eat any and everything, but its not that at all. I can only eat about 40g or less of fat for these days.. which means none of that good stuff like Almond Butter, Pizza, Ice Cream etc.. so food choices are very important to make sure I get the results I'm looking for here and don't just get fat!
Stay Tuned

Tuesday Training and Diet 7/10

A1: Back Squat @ 2010; 15-20 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4.
A2: Pronated Front Lat Pull down @ 3010; 10-12; rest 30 sec  X 4.
A3: DB semi stiff leg DL @ 4020; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4
A4: Seated EZ bar French Press @ 3021; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4.
B1: Seated abduction machine @ 3010; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec. X 4.
B2: Seated rope rows to face @ 2111; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4
C1: Kneeling Cable Crunch: 3 x 15 reps, no rest
C2: DB Side Bends @ 2010; 8 reps/side x 3. rest :60.

1st Cycle
A1: 135 x 20/15/15/15
A2: 135 x 12/ 150 x10/10/135 x 10
A3: 65 x 12/ 75 x 10/10/ 65 x 10
A4: 40#EZ Bar 10 x 4 sets
B1: 175 x12/ 12/12/12
B2: 80 x 10/10/ 75 x 10/10
C1: 140 x 15 x 3 sets
C2: 40# x8/side x 3 sets

Today's Results
A1: 135 x 20 x 4 sets
A2: 150 x 12/12/12/10
A3: 65 x 12/ 75 x 10/10/10
A4: 40# x 10 x 4 sets
B1:180 x 12/ 190 x 12/12/10
B2: 90 x10/80x10/75x10/10
C1: 140 x 15 x 3 sets
C2: 40# x 10/side x 3 sets

Really pumped I got 20 reps at 135 for 4 sets.. Those breaks are so short and those squats start really hurting at like rep 11. Total mental struggle to tell myself to hit 20 and not stop at 15!

Pre Wod (5:15am) - Cellucor C4 Extreme and Bcaa's

Meal 1 (6:50am)
Post Wod - 2 Scoops Whey Protein and So Delicious Coconut Milk

Meal 2 (8:00am)
Homemade Tuna Salad with Celery Sticks

Meal 3 (11:00am)
4.3oz Silver Brite Salmon with 2 tbsp Evoo and Mixed Greens

Meal 4 (3:00pm)

Meal 5 (6:00pm)
5oz Bison with Broccoli sauteed in Coconut Oil and Avocado Slices

Macro Nutrient Breakdown
Calories: 2,024
Protein: 169g
Fat: 118g
Net Carbs: 23

August 8, 2011

Monday Training and Diet Day 6/10

A1: Dumbbell Altn'g Lunge @ 20X1; 15-20 reps; rest 45 sec  X 4.
A2: Lat Pull Down to sternum (neutral grip) @ 3211; 10-12 reps; rest 45
sec X 4.
A3: Lying leg curls (feet neutral) @ 5011; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec X 4.
A4: Decl. DB Tricep Ext. @ 4011; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec  X 4.
B1: Leg Press @ 2010; 15-20 reps; rest 45 sec  X 3.
B2: Seated Cable Row @ 4010; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec X 3

1st Cycle
A1: 55# - 20/20/18/18
A2: 105 x 15/135 x 12/150 x 10/ x 10
A3: 140 x 12/ 145 x 3sets x 12
A4: 15 x 12/25 x 3sets x 10
B1: 250 x 15/ 235 x 3 sets x 15 reps
B2: 120 x 12/ 135 x 12/ 135 x 10/ 125 x 10

Today's Results
A1: 55#/arm x 20 x 4
A2: 150# x 12/12/12/10
A3: 145# x 12/12/150# x 12/10
A4: 25# x 10 x 4
B1: 235# 15 x 4
B2: 135 x 10/12/12/10

Leg Presses were brutal at the end.. Those DB Lunges were no treat either! Everything else went as expected. Felt strong on the back exercises.

Pre Wod (5:15am) - Cellucor C4 Extreme and Bcaa's

Meal 1 (7:00am)
Post Wod - 2 Scoops Whey Protein and So Delicious Coconut Milk

Meal 2 (8:00am)
5 Eggs Scrambled in Coconut Oil + Avocado Slices

Meal 3 (12:30pm)
4.3oz Silver Brite Salmon and Sardine in EVOO with 2 tbsp EVOO and 5oz Mixed Greens

Meal 4 (3:00pm)

Meal 5 (6:00pm)
5oz Chicken with French Cut Green Beans and Garlic Ginger Vinaigrette

Macro Nutrient Breakdown
Calories: 2,067
Protein: 167g
Fat: 116g
Net Carbs: 22

August 7, 2011

Sunday Training and Diet Day 5/10

-Rest Day-
17 Hour Fast

Very weird feeding schedule today.. Long day of Lessons with only a small window to get some food down... No problems though.. Energy levels stayed pretty consistent all morning before my meals.. And I didn't feel sluggish after.. I can really tell my body is starting to burn fat as fuel now instead of glucose. In fact, I don't think there is any glucose left in me:)

Meal 1 (11:00am)
5 Eggs Scrambled in Coconut Oil

Meal 2 (12:00pm)
1 Can of Tuna and Sardines in Evoo and Mixed Greens

Meal 3 (12:45pm)
5oz Chicken with Avocado

Meal 4 (5:30pm)
5oz Bison with French Cut Green Beans with Homemade Ginger Garlic Vinaigrette

Macro Nutrient Breakdown
Calories: 2,000
Protein: 161g
Fat: 113g
Net Carbs: 22

August 6, 2011

Saturday Training and Diet Day 4/10

A1: Back Squat @ 2010; 15-20 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4.
A2: Pronated Front Lat Pull down @ 3010; 10-12; rest 30 sec  X 4.
A3: DB semi stiff leg DL @ 4020; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4
A4: Seated EZ bar French Press @ 3021; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4.
B1: Seated abduction machine @ 3010; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec. X 4.
B2: Seated rope rows to face @ 2111; 10-12 reps; rest 30 sec  X 4
C1: Kneeling Cable Crunch: 3 x 15 reps, no rest
C2: DB Side Bends @ 2010; 8 reps/side x 3. rest :60.

A1: 135 x 20/15/15/15
A2: 135 x 12/ 150 x10/10/135 x 10
A3: 65 x 12/ 75 x 10/10/ 65 x 10
A4: 40#EZ Bar 10 x 4 sets
B1: 175 x12/ 12/12/12
B2: 80 x 10/10/ 75 x 10/10
C1: 140 x 15 x 3 sets
C2: 40# x8/side x 3 sets

Squats felt good, good weight for 4 sets.. Goal will be to hit 20 reps for 4 sets. The Lat Pull Downs and DB DL were limited by my grip.. I will start using straps and focus on grip strength separately. Everything else felt fine..

Pre Wod (5:15am) - Cellucor C4 Extreme and Bcaa's

Meal 1 (6:50am)
Post Wod - 1.5 Scoops Whey Protein and So Delicious Coconut Milk

Meal 2 (8:00am)
Homemade Tuna Salad with Celery Sticks

Meal 3 (12:30pm)
4oz Chicken with 2 tbsp Evoo and Mixed Greens

Meal 4 (3:00pm)

Meal 5 (6:00pm)
5oz Bison with Broccoli and Garlic Ginger Vinaigrette

Macro Nutrient Breakdown
Calories: 2,097
Protein: 163g
Fat: 132g
Net Carbs: 24

August 5, 2011

Friday Training and Diet Day 3/10

A1: Dumbbell Altn'g Lunge @ 20X1; 15-20 reps; rest 45 sec  X 4.
A2: Lat Pull Down to sternum (neutral grip) @ 3211; 10-12 reps; rest 45
sec X 4.
A3: Lying leg curls (feet neutral) @ 5011; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec X 4.
A4: Decl. DB Tricep Ext. @ 4011; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec  X 4.
B1: Leg Press @ 2010; 15-20 reps; rest 45 sec  X 3.
B2: Seated Cable Row @ 4010; 10-12 reps; rest 45 sec X 3

A1: 55# - 20/20/18/18
A2: 105 x 15/135 x 12/150 x 10/ x 10
A3: 140 x 12/ 145 x 3sets x 12
A4: 15 x 12/25 x 3sets x 10
B1: 250 x 15/ 235 x 3 sets x 15 reps
B2: 120 x 12/ 135 x 12/ 135 x 10/ 125 x 10

Never felt so out of breath during a body building workout.. Actually felt a lil pukie there for a minute at the end. Short rest periods during a circuit style training can do that to you I guess.. and I haven't really been training my energy system either. Great response this morning.. weights felt good, tempo was on for everything.. really looking forward to the end of this cycle to see the changes in my body comp!!

Pre Wod (5:15am) - Cellucor C4 Extreme and Bcaa's

Meal 1 (6:30am)
Post Wod - 2 Scoops Whey Protein and So Delicious Coconut Milk

Meal 2 (7:30am)
5 Eggs Scrambled in Coconut Oil

Meal 3 (12:30pm)
5.5oz Cod with 3 tbsp Evoo and Mixed Greens

Meal 4 (3:00pm)

Meal 5 (6:00pm)
6oz Bison with Brussels Sprouts, Avocado and Garlic Ginger Vinaigrette

Macro Nutrient Breakdown
Calories: 2,030
Protein: 163g
Fat: 112g
Net Carbs: 25

August 4, 2011

Thursday Training and Diet Day 2/10

-Rest Day-

Meal 1 (8:00am)
5 Eggs Scrambled in Red Palm Oil

Meal 2 (11:00pm)
5.5oz Cod and Sardines in Evoo + 2 tbsp Evoo and Mixed Greens

Meal 3 (2:00pm)
5oz Chicken with Avocado

Meal 4 (6:00pm)
4.5oz Bison with Broccoli with Homemade Ginger Garlic Vinaigrette

Macro Nutrient Breakdown
Calories: 2,079
Protein: 161g
Fat: 132g
Net Carbs: 22

August 3, 2011

Wednesday Training and Diet Day 1/10

-Power Workout-
Didn't really go in with a plan or set rep schemes etc.. just wanted to move around some heavy weights.. I did some Back Squats and Front Squats, Incline and Flat Bench Press, Shoulder Press, Some Scap work, weighted Pull Ups, Bent Over Rows and some Barbell Curls and Close Grip Bench Press. Had some fun... went heavy  and short.. 2 sets of maybe 2-3 reps.
Pre Wod (5:15am) - Cellucor C4 Extreme and Bcaa's

Meal 1 (7:30am)
Post Wod - 1.5 Scoops Whey Protein and So Delicious Coconut Milk

Meal 2 (8:30am)
5 Eggs Scrambled in Red Palm Oil

Meal 3 (12:30pm)
1 Can of Tuna and Sardines in Evoo + 2 tbsp Evoo and Mixed Greens

Meal 4 (3:00pm)

Meal 5 (6:00pm)
6oz Bison with Broccoli and Chile Spices

Macro Nutrient Breakdown
Calories: 1,948
Protein: 165g
Fat: 114g
Net Carbs: 21

August 2, 2011

Tuesday Training and Diet Day 21

-Rest Day-

Phase 3
Ok so for the last 5 days or so, I've cut out all starchy/complex carbs from diet and have been consuming only veggies and leafy greens. Tomorrow I am going to start my " Start up Phase" or "Maintenance Phase" to set myself up for the Anabolic Diet. Basically I will be taking advantage of timing my carb intake on certain days and before or after certain workouts. For the next 10 days I will be consuming around 30g of Net Carbs per day. My body will begin to shift to a fat burning machine. I won't really be looking to lose weight in this stage, I will keep Calories at the same level - 2,000/day and also keep my protein around 1g/lb of lean body mass, which is around 160g of protein per day. With only 30g of net carbs I will make up the rest of caloric allotment with fat sources. I know the road ahead of me is going to be miserable, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. After my 10 days of low carb, start up phase.. I will then transfer to a weekday low carb/fat lose schedule to a weekend carb loading. The way this works, as my body is being depleted of the glycogen during the weekdays due to the low carb diet and the workouts, it will be starving for glucose. As long as my fat intake is maintained I will not lose a lot of muscle mass during this depletion time, I will either stay around the same weight or begin to peel away body fat. Then, once the weekend comes around, I will begin a 24-48 hour Carb Loading Phase. You might ask why will I not get fat during this stage. A couple reasons, 1) My body will be so hungry for glucose that this glycogen supercompensation will serve as an anabolic driver and my body will focus on sending all glycogen to my muscles and not store it as fat. and 2) Since my body has been used to running off fat, this quick hit of high carbs isn't quite long enough for my body to transfer back to a glucose burning machine. So when I get back into the gym after the weekend, my body will burn right through all of the glycogen that I stored up during the weekend which should make for a great Monday in the gym. Then Tuesday - Thursday, with glycogen depleted again, my body will go right back to burning fat for fuel. So basically there are two parts to this diet - a catabolic/low carb phase to maximize fat loss and an anabolic/high-carb phase to rebuild and gain muscle. This will only make sense if you basic understanding of the human body and how certain hormones and systems work, if you are interested in this stuff check out the Ultimate Diet by Lyle McDonald or The Anabolic Diet by Mauro DiPasquale.

So this is basically what my week could look like.. this can easily be changed to fit your schedule, but since I have no real life outside of work :) i can pretty much do whatever I want.

Remember these samples are after a 2 week Low Carb/Fat Burning Shift

Sample Seven Day Cycle
Monday - Low Carb/Low Calorie - Depletion Training
Tuesday - Low Carb/Low Calorie - Depletion Training
Wednesday - Low Carb/Low Calorie - Cardio
Thursday AM - Low Carb/Low Cal - Cardio
Thursday PM - Begin Carb Load - High Intensity Full Body Training
Friday - Carb Load end PM - No Training
Saturday - Maintenance/Low Carb - Power WOD
Sunday - Maintenance/Low Carb - No Training

Sample Eight Day Cycle
Day 1/2 - Low Carb/Low Calorie - Depletion Training
Day 3/4 - Low Carb/Low Calorie - Cardio
Day 5 - Begin Carb Load PWOD- High Intensity AM
Day 6 - Continue Carb Load - No Training
Day 7 - Maintenance/Low Carb - Power WOD AM
Day 8 - Maintenance/Low Carb - No Training/Cardio PM

This is just a sample of how this can be implemented... I will update you later after these next 10 days with the plan Nathan and I come up with to best meet my needs, goals, and current training cycle. Can't tell you how excited I am to see how this all shakes out in the next  month or so.. Big things are coming! Can't thank Anthony DiSarro and Nathan Holiday enough for helping me through all this!

Pre Walk - Green Tea, Creatine, Bcaa's and Glutamine + Probiotic

Post Walk (7:30am) - 1 Scoop Whey Protein Bcaa's, Glutamine and Creatine

Meal 1 (8:30am)
5 Eggs and Salsa

Meal 2 (11:30am)
Brite Salmon with Mixed Greens, Cucumbers, and Mushrooms

Meal 3 (2:30pm)
5oz Chicken and Avocado

Meal 4 (5:30pm)
Ground Bison with Broccoli and Rao's Tomato Basil Sauce

Before Bed - Natural Calm, Glutamine and Probiotic

Calories: 1,700
Protein: 182g
Fat: 41g
Carb: 58g
Fiber: 33g

August 1, 2011

Monday Training and Diet Day 20

A1: Standing BB Curl @ 5010; 10,8,6,4,4; rest 90 sec.
A2: Close Grip Bench press @ 5010; 10,8,6,4,4; rest 90 sec.
B1: Preacher Curl @ 5050; 4-6; rest 90 sec. X 3
B2: Skull Crusher @ 5050; 4-6; rest 90 sec. X 3
C: Seated Incline DB Curls - Burnout Sets for sets of 10 reps - no rest
D: Standing Tri Cable Pull Downs - Burnout Sets for sets of 10 reps - no rest

1st Cycle
A1: 95 x 9/75/85/95/105
A2: 135/145/155/165/175
B1: 6+Neg x 50/5 x 50/5 x 40
B2: 6 x 20/6 x 30/6 x30

2nd Cycle
A1: 75/85/90/100/110
A2: 135/155/165/175/185
B1: 50# for all sets x 6reps + Negatives
B2: 30# x 6/ 40# x 6 x 2 sets
C: 25x10/20x6/15x6/10x10
D: 50x12/40x8/30x10/20x10

A1: 80/90/95/105/115
A2: 135/160/170/180/190
B1: 55# - 6/6/6 all + Negatives
B2: 50# - 6/5+Neg/5+Neg
C: 25x10/20x8/15x10/12x10
D: 50x10/40x10/30x10/20x10

Pre Wod (5:10am) - Cellucor - C4 Extreme and Bcaa's

Meal 1 (7:00am)
Post Wod - 1.5 scoops Whey Protein, So Delicious Coconut Milk Unsweetened, Bcaa's & Glutamine + Probiotic

Meal 2 (8:00am)
5 Eggs Scrambled with Avocado and Salsa + Fish Oil

Meal 3 (12:00pm)
1 Can Albacore Tune and Sardines in Olive Oil with Mixed Greens Salad

Meal 4 (3:00pm)

Meal 5 (6:00pm)
Ground Bison with Brussels Sprout and Chile Pasilla de Oaxaca Salsa + fish oil

Before Bed - Natural Calm, Glutamine and Probiotic

Calories: 1,843
Protein: 161g
Fat: 69g Pure Fat sources (Avocado) -I did add to it the fat in my protein (bison, sardines, eggs etc)
Carb: 75g
Fiber: 42g