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April 7, 2010

Week 2 of Wendler 5.3.1

Week 2 of Wendler 5.3.1 Strength Program

Already seeing a difference in my overall strength.. Especially with my Dead Lifts. The light weight is really helping me to dial in my form.

I mixed in a little Olympic Lifting on my Deadlift day.. Usually I throw together a short Metcon or some isolated Strength work.. but on this day I went for my 1 Rep Max in the Power Clean and Split Jerk from the rack.

I managed to Clean 220# which is a 5# pr from the Games (215#)

and Split Jerked 235# which is a 10# pr from the Games (225#)

Felt a little faster through the middle this time around. Just need to be faster getting under the bar on the jerk.

Here are the Videos: First clip is at 135#, Second - 220# clean and Third - 235#Split Jerk

1 comment:

  1. 220PC: You lead with the hips too much, basically a straight legged DL. Arms bend early. Knees too far forward on catch.

    Drill your first pull, leading with the chest and focus on keeping your back angle static (the same). Keep those damn arms straight! If your arms were straigh the weight would jump a lot higher and much easier. When you bend your arms early, your hips have to take up the slack.. and there are large power leakages. Shift knees and hips back when you receive the bar so youre in a more solid position.

    235SJ: Dip is solid but a bit too low. Shorter, more explosive dip and focus on pushing yourself under the bar to arm lockout. Split could be wider, back leg is too bent for my taste.

    Drill split elevation drops. Visualize pushing yourself under the bar... not jumping the bar super high.

    Keep it up dude. As long as you stick with it, you'll be a strong mofo. That's the secret! That, and staying mindful during training. Always be aware of what you're body is doing.
