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April 14, 2010

Wendler 5.3.1. Strength Update

Wendler 5.3.1 Strength Update:
I realized I never really explained this program.
So here is how it all works:

Its all about Steady, Slow Progress.. There is now 3 month program for gaining strength.. This is something that will take a lifetime. So the overall Philosophy is Start Light and Consistent Progress over time!

1) Start by finding your 1 Rep Max for the Four Main Lifts that you will be performing - Military or Standing Press, Dead Lift, Bench Press, and Back Squat.
My 1 Rep Max for the lifts:
Press - 138#
Dead Lift - 345#
Bench Press - 225#
Back Squat - 235#

So as you can see, I am in need of some SERIOUS Overall, Functional Strength if I ever want to achieve the goal I have set for myself!

2) How the week by week Training breaks down:
You now take 10% off each of the 1 RM and you find your "Training 1 RM"
This is the number you will be working off of during your training.
Training 1 Rep Max:
Press - 125#
Dead Lift - 310#
Bench Press - 202#
Back Squat - 212#
Rounded up or down.

3) Its all about Percentages!
The Cycle breaks down into 4 weeks as follow: remember % off of "training 1 Rep Max"
Week 1
65% x 5 reps
75% x 5 reps
85% x 5 or More reps

Week 2
70% x 3 reps
80% x 3 reps
90% x 3 or More reps

Week 3
75% x 5 reps
85% x 3 reps
95% 1 or More reps

Week 4 -is a "deloading" week. Prepare for next weeks cycle
40% x 5 reps
50% x 5 reps
60% x 5 reps

So you notice the first 3 weeks the last set is as many reps as possible.. Your goal is number given but you want to go for as many as you can. You can then use this number to compare with other maximum efforts and track your progress. You can also find your Estimated 1 Rep Max with the following equation:
(Weight in # x Reps x 0.0333) + Weight in # = Est. 1 RM
The following Cycle (which is 4 weeks) you increase your Upper Body Training 1 Rep Max by 5# & and your Lower Body Training 1 Rep Max by 10# and work the same percentages!

4) My Schedule
3 Days On, 1 Day off, 2 Days On, 1 Day off
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday - Press, Dead Lift, & Bench Press
Friday - Off
Saturday - Back Squat
Sunday - Olympic Skill Practice or Max Rep Day plus a Long or Medium Time domain Metcon WOD

I also add supplemental training at the end of each day. As the overall goal is to get strong, these moves end up being quite different from your typical Crossfit Metcon style WOD. But I do my best to keep it interesting. I usually keep the Supplemental stuff similar to the body part I am lifting that day.
For Example:
If I am doing a Bench Press day, I might do something like:
3 Sets of as many reps as possible Weighted Ring dips, followed by Tabata Mash of Pushups and Situps.. Or close grip bench press or, 7 Rounds of Hang Power Clean @ 95# increase by 10# every sets and alternate 10 Unbroken Push ups for time.

Today - 4.13.10
Warm up - 500m light row followed by hip and shoulder mobility work..
Then some light dead lifts with a snatch grip and some others with a clean grip plus the fat grip enhancements.. (makes the bar fat and kills your forearms!!)
5.3.1. Dead Lift Week 3
5 Reps @ 75% = 226#
3 Reps @ 85% = 256#
1 or More Reps @ 95% = 287#
I blasted out 10 reps @ 287#, which gives me a new Est. 1RM of 382.5# That is 37.5# above my PR.. I'll test after my next cycle and see how close this number is.. I'm pretty excited just for the fact that it is close to my overall goal of 400+ pounds!!
Then my supplemental work went like this:
A1) Single Leg Romanian Dead Lifts w/ 25# dumbbells each Hand. 3 sets x 8 reps/leg
A2) 50 Yard Reverse Sled Drag Sprints w/ 135# on sled
For Time:
15, 12, 9, 6 Reps of
Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls with a 2 pood Kettle Bell
GHD Raises
(Alt. between exercises)
Time: 3:55

So that's the break down of Wendler 5.3.1 Starting Strength Program. Time to get BIG!!

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