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November 29, 2011

Tuesday's Training

A: DB Single Leg Deadlift @ 20X2, 10-12, rest 1 min b/t legs x 4
B: DB Walking Lunges 16 Total - Heavy, rest :90 x 4
C: KBS 2pood x 15, rest 1 min x 4
D: GH Raises x 10-12, rest :45 x 3

Got another great night of deep sleep, two in a row of 8-9+ of unbroken, restful sleep! I was going to take a rest day today but I felt so damn good when I woke up without an alarm at 5:15 I decided to hit one more workout and then take a few days off.

A: 55# DB for all sets
B: 55/60/60/65 all x 16
C: 2 Pood x 15 x 4 unbroken and explosive
D: All 3 sets x 12 reps again explosive squeeze to hit the top of the movement and controlled lumbar curve on the down.

November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend Workout Recap

Took a few rest days during Thanksgiving.. Had some great meals with Family and Friends over the past few days, had a couple of great nights out and I was definitely a little loose with my food choices... but I felt fine, did my workouts and I'm back to my regularly scheduled food plan.

A: Press @ 32X2, 5-7, rest 3 min x 4
B: DB Ext Rot @ 3010, 8/arm, rest 1 min b/t arms x 3
C: HSPU - AMSAP of 6 Unbroken in 10 minutes
D: Side Bridge - :45/side, rest :15/side x 3/side

A: 120/125/135/135 all 5 reps
B: 20#DB
C: 8 - used an abmat
D: Complete

A: Snatch Grip Deadlift off of 4" Blocks @ 32X2, 3-5, rest 3 min x 4
B: Snatch Balance x 3, rest 3 mins b/t sets - 3-4 sets
2 Squat Snatches
2 Muscle Ups
2 Squat Snatches
rest 1 minute
2 Power Snatches
2 Muscle Ups
2 Power Snatches
rest 1 minute
Repeat 3 Times and increase load

Didn't have my best stuff this day, a little hung over.. had a great night though, wouldn't have changed a thing!
A: 185/205/225/225 x 3
B: 115/125/135 this felt horrible form wise.
Weight - 95#/115#/135# all muscles ups and snatches Unbroken

A: Pull Ups - 5 weighted + 5 Strict + 5 Kipping, rest 3 min x 5
B: 1 Arm DB Rows @ 32X2, 3/arm, rest :30 b/t arms x 10
C: TGU - 1 Heavy Rep Every Minute for 6 Minutes - 2 pood
D: Trap 3 @ 3010, 8/arm, rest :75 b/t arms x 2 - 20#

A: 25/25/25/20/20 all pull ups unbroken
B: Complete with 80# DB
C: Complete with 2 pood - very difficult
D: Complete 20# DB

November 23, 2011

Wednesday Training

2 x 7 Minute AMRAP
Run 200m
5 Push Ups
5 Sit Ups
Rest 3 min b/t sets
2 x 5 Minute AMRAP
Row 150m
5 Pull Ups
5 Air Squats
Rest 3 min b/t sets

5 Rounds + 50m
5 Rounds + 100m
4 Rounds + 80m
4 Rounds + 100m

Felt very good about this mornings effort.. Felt strong and comfortable on the runs.. all that pose work is starting to pay off. I probably attacked both of these AMRAP at 85-90% and was able to stay very consistent on each round. Hope thats what I was supposed to do Ant!?!

November 22, 2011

Tuesday Training

Last night I went back to the gym to work on some O-Lift Technique.. Ended up finding that missing piece. (Feet turned out slightly, push knees back on the first pull.. From there just be explosive) It was amazing how good these lifts felt when I didn't have to jump a foot forward just to try to catch the bar. I see some big weight in my future!
Worked up to a 225# Power Clean and a 175# Power Snatch

Video of a 155# Power Snatch (this was pretty light, warm up.. no video of the 175) -

Video of a 225# Power Clean (ugly catch but I'll take it) -

A: Back Squat @ 30X2, 4-6, rest 3 mins x 4
B: BB Forward Lunge to 4" Step @ 24X2, 12 Total Altng steps, rest :90 x 4
4 sets @ 97%
5 Burpees
40m Prowler Push @ 200#
rest 3 min b/t sets

Was running way behind on time so I decided to split today's workout into an AM and PM workout..
AM Results
A: 225/235/245/255 all x 4 reps
B: All sets @ 95#

PM Results
Complete with 205# sled.. Fast and Explosive on each set. feeling strong all of the sudden. Funny what a little confidence will do for ya!

November 21, 2011

Monday Training

A: Fat Bar Deadlift - 6-4-2, rest 3 mins b/t each
B1: 3 Tough Power Cleans (over 185#) no rest
B2: 5 Challenging Box Jumps, no rest
B3: 12 KBS - 2pood, rest 3 mins x 4
C: Back Ext x 20, rest 1 min x 3

A: I probably screwed this up.. I used a clean grip and this was probably the hardest thing I've done in a while.. used 185 for all the sets.. Couldn't hold on for 6 reps unbroken, had to re-grip at the bottom of each rep.
B1: 195
B2: 42"
B3: 70#
C: Unbroken

November 19, 2011


A: Weighted Prone Chin Up @ 21X0, 3-5, rest 2:30 x 5
B: Pendlay Rows @ 32X2, 5-7, rest 3 min x 4
M.A.P. Training on Airdyne
:30 @ 85% Sustainable Pace
:30 @ 50%
x 25 - rest 1 min off Bike Every 5 sets

A: 40# x 4reps x 2sets, 45# x 3reps x 3 sets
B: All sets 5 reps @ 155#
MAP Training.. I measured RPM's on my efforts:
85% - 72-76rpms
50% - 45-50rpms

Chili CookOff tonight.. Should be coming home with the Trophy, rest day tomorrow and then my parents are in town for a while.. should be a nice, stressful few weeks :)

November 18, 2011

Friday Training

Warm Up:
Goblet Squat - Bottom Position Holds
Back Ext - Slightly Above Parallel to Floor, Focus on Posture and Thoracic Ext.

A: 3 Rounds of the Burgener Warm-up with Empty Bar
B: Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Jerk x 1 + OHS x 1, rest 2 min x 8
*work to a heavy but clean load
C: 3 Position Power Snatch (Thigh, Knee, Floor) x 3 Increase Load each set.

A: Complete
B: 135/155/165/175/185/190/195/200F/200 PR
C: 95/115/135

Haven't done any over head squatting since last year so this was an awesome feeling to hit a lifetime PR in this movement. Limiting factors here - posture and shoulder stability. Always ways to get stronger and I look forward to breaking this PR many more time down the road!

Snatch complex wasn't great.. still jumping forward here.. really need to spend some time on form with these O-Lifts. I'm going to start to dedicate one maybe two days a week to Tech Work on each lift.

Here is a video of one of my OHS working sets - 185# -

Here is the video of my 3 position Snatch complex - 115# -

November 17, 2011

The Pursuit of Happiness

Been thinking a lot recently about certain Lifestyle Factors and the role they play in Fitness Goals and Overall Health. Things like Social Events, Friends, Food and Sleep Quality. I think I finally had a breakthrough..

 For the past few years I've been sort of stuck in a hole. I've done so much research about food, training, sleep, etc that I have actually hurt my chances of making any gains - Paralysis by Analysis.. In fact, I've seen myself go backwards with every new thing I learned.. I over analyzed everything to the point where I couldn't do or eat anything without thinking about how it would get in the way of my training goals.. So I would go weeks without having any rewarding food, months without going out to a party or having a few drinks with friends, and thinking up new excuses not to go out to dinner with friends or clients.. And when I wasn't doing those social things I actually got depressed and ended up spiralling out of control into multiple pints of ice cream and almond butter until I was sick in the stomach, the whole time feeling horrible because I was throwing away all my hard work. This just turned into a nasty cycle that would repeat its self for a few years. I would go a month or so on track but I had to stay busy with work. If I had any down time it was like I had two devils on each shoulder whispering in my ear to head to the nearest grocery store and go crazy.

It wasn't until recently I figured out I need to stop thinking!! When I looked back at my first few months in Crossfit, I really just had the basic info on food and training, did the work, had fun on the side and got the results.. So with that in mind I've stopped weighing and measuring my food and now I'm only focusing on food quality and that is it! I'm making an effort to be more social and go out more and meet new people, try new things and not thinking about how this might negatively effect my workouts. I'm happier now than I've been in years and I think people who are around me and know me can see the difference and even hear the difference in my voice and attitude..

YOU HAVE TO BE BALANCED.. just to sum this post up, I've found that Balance is my key. Instead of having a certain fitness goal, my goal is to be more balanced in Life not worrying about my Deadlift numbers or how many calories I'm eating today. I need to party more, have fun outside of the gym, train hard, eat smart, and get some rest. In doing so, I have seen great changes in myself just in these past few days - body comp is getting better, I have a great relationship with my food, and I just feel Happy with my Life. Like I finally filled in the missing puzzle piece I needed to complete the picture. Its great to have all the information I have, its another thing entirely to use it wisely and apply just the right amounts of everything to my daily routine.

Thursday Training

A: Bench Press @ 22X1, 6-8, rest 3 mins x 4
B: Trap 3 @ 3010, 8/Arm, rest :75 b/t arms x 2 - 20#
C: HandStand Hold - Accumulate 2  mins + 10 HSPU - Clean Full-ROM
D: GHD Situps x 12, rest 1 min x 4

A: 185 x 6/195 x 6/200 x 6/205 x 6
B: Complete with 20# DB
C: 8+2 HSPU/ 2 minutes done in 3 sets
D: Complete with two hands overhead- finally!!

November 15, 2011

Tuesday Training

Double Day
A) Front Squat @ 32X2; 4-6 reps, rest 3 mins x 4
B) Walking Lunges w/ KB in Front Rack; 16 steps, rest :90 x 4
C) Weighted Chin Ups (10% of Body Weight) @ 21X1; AMRAP(-1); rest 3 mins x 3

Run 400m @ 70%
-rest 3 mins.
Run 400m @ 80%
-rest 4 mins.
Run 400m @ 90%
-rest 5 mins.
Run 400m @ 80%
-rest 4 mins.
Run 400m @ 70%
-rest 3 mins.

AM Results
A: 185 x 4/175 x 4/x4/x4 - that 2 second pause in the bottom is nasty. Focused on staying very tight in the bottom. This movement felt very hypoxic to me.. I held my breath for the entire movement - 3 seconds down, 2 second hold and then 3 seconds up.. for me that's alot of time without oxygen under heavy load with only a few seconds to catch my breath and start the next rep. I can see where that underwater work would transfer over to my land work.

B: Three sets with 2 1.5pood KB(53 pounds) and then one set at 20kg or 44 pounds -
16 steps for each set - Unbroken/Unbroken/12-4/Unbroken
These were very nasty! Breathing heavy after each set.

PM Results
Thought I did a good job on pacing out the 70, 80 and 90% efforts. Not a very efficient runner so these types of workout are tough... I was able to achieve pretty good pose form for about 200m on each run but as I fatigued I lost form and I was trying to stay on pace. I look forward to improving this as this area is probably the biggest of my many weaknesses!
70% - 1:35
80% - 1:30
90% - 1:25
80% - 1:28
70% - 1:33
Calves are pretty sore but feel pretty good other than that. Looking forward to resting tomorrow!

November 13, 2011

Sunday Training

A) Wtd Chins @ 10% bwt 21X1 AMRAP (-1), rest 3 mins x 3
B) Ring Dips AMRAP(-2), rest 2 mins x 3
C) Press @ 32X2, 5-7, rest 3 mins x 4
D) Accumulate 180 seconds FLR on Rings
E) GHD Sit Ups x 15, rest 1 min x 3

A) 8/8/6 with 20#
B) 15/12/10
C) 115 x 5/125 x 5/115 x 5/105 x 6
D) :60/:30/:30/:30/:30
E) Complete

Threw in the weighted chins that I missed a few workouts back. Everything else felt strong, but my core stuff was a little weak. The FLR killed my ability to be explosive on the GHDs for all three sets.

November 12, 2011

Saturday Training

A) Build Quick to a Tough 3 Rep Deadlift with Clean Grip
B1) Hang Power Clean, 2 Tough, No Rest
B2) 3 High Box Jumps, No Rest - Challenging Height
B3) KBS 2pood x 12, rest 3 mins x 4
C) Back Ext x 15, rest :45 x 4

A: 305#
B1: 185/205/215/215
B2: 36"/36"/40"/40"
B3: Complete Unbroken
C: Complete Fast and explosive

November 10, 2011

Thursday Training

Double Day
A) Weighted Chin Ups (10% of Body Weight) @ 21X1; AMRAP(-1); rest 3 mins x 3
B) Pendlay Rows @ 32X2; 8-10 reps, rest 3 mins x 3
C) TGU - 1 Heavy Rep Every Min for 8 Minutes/Arm

4 Sets @ 85%
Run 400 Meters
15 Box Jumps - 24"

AM Results
A) For some reason I did Dips instead of Chins here.. All sets done with One of the Big Chains over my neck. (estimated @ 22#)
 - 10/8/7 the pause at the bottom of this movement started to take its toll on my tri's in the last set
B) 95# x 10/ 105# x 10/x 10
C) 7 rounds done with 1.5 pood, 1 round done with 2 pood - Right arm felt much more stable with the heavy KB than my left. Goal is to be able to do all sets with a 2 pood in the near future. Really would like to build that upper body/shoulder strength.

PM Results
Time - 10:22
My legs felt horrible but I focused on form during the runs and that seemed to take my mind off it.. Keep the pace consistent on all the runs.. first time I haven't stopped or slowed down during a running workout. All jumps were unbroken.

November 9, 2011

Wednesday Training

Double Day
A) Front Squat @ 32X2, 3-5 reps, rest 3 mins x 4
B) BB Split Squat @ 32X2, 4 reps/leg, rest 1 min b/t legs x 4
100 Wall Ball Shots - All Out Effort 20# ball

Swim/Recovery Day
- 10 Minutes Freestyle in Z1; Bilateral Breathing - Nice and Easy.
- Rest 5 Minutes in Water
- Underwater Max Meter Attempts x 8, rest 1-2 mins b/t.
- 10 Minutes Freestyle in Z1; Bilateral Breathing - Nice and Easy.

AM Results
A) 185 x 3/195 x 3/185 x 3/185 x 2F/175 x 3
B) 95/85/85/85 x 4/leg
100 Wall Ball Shots - 4:42

PM Results
Bilateral Breathing was pretty easy.. Much better on my right side.. May need to look into ear plugs to keep the water out, other than that this was easy.
Underwater attempts - I found a pretty efficient way attack these max attempts but I'm sure there is something more efficient out there. I was consistently swimming 23-25 meters on each attempt.
This last ten minutes of freestyle swimming really fatigued my shoulders.

November 5, 2011

Saturday Training

Slept in this morning.. I guess I forgot to set my alarm. So I faked a dentist appointment so I could get my workout in this morning.. Gotta have your priorities in line!! Great crew at the gym, good energy and goo people make for a great session! Much better than 0530 by yourself.

A) Push Press @ 32X2, 4-6, rest 3 mins x 4
B) TRAP 3 @ 3010, 8/Arm, rest 1 min x 3
C) HSPU - AMSAP of 4 Unbroken in 10 Minutes
D) Side Bridge 3 sets of :30/side, rest :10/side

A) 185 x 4/185 x 4/185 x 2-175 x 2/175 x 4
B) Complete with 15# DB... I think I'm ready to move up here to a 20# DB
C) Total 11 sets, 9 with ABMAT, 2 without.. I also played with hand position. Started out narrow and went wide on the last 5.
D) Complete

November 4, 2011

Friday Training

A) Hard 300m Shuttles with a 50m Turn Around, rest 7mins x 4
rest 10 minutes
B) Prowler Push for as many meters in :60, rest 7mins x 4
rest 10 minutes
C) GHD Situps x 12. rest 1min x 3

A) Complete - felt like my form was spot on here.
B) Complete at 185# - wrong form, need to get lower, back flat
C) Complete - fast and explosive

November 2, 2011

Wednesday Training

A) Body Weight Strict Chin Ups @ 22X2 AMRAP (-1), rest 3 x 4
B) Pendlay Rows @ 32X2 6-8, rest 3 x 3
C) Flat Bench Powell Raises @ 3010 8/Arm, rest 1 min/arm x 2
:20 Standing Airdyne Sprints, rest 5 minutes x 6

A) 8/6/5/5
B) All @ 95# x 8
C) All@ 15# x 8

Shortened the rest periods on the sprints... Legs were very sore from yesterday but I had a lot of sprinting power in :20 compared to my last attempt at :30 and I also felt I recovered better and fast. So my rest periods went from 5 minutes to 4.  Did a pretty good job of keeping RPM around 95 - 100 on each sprint.
Taking a rest day tomorrow.. I slept horribly last night and I'm very sore. I've been training around 10:00am and now switching to 5:00am workouts is taking its toll on me. I'm going to reassess this early morning training and see if I can't move the majority of my training to after work. I usually don't have the energy levels in the PM like I do in the AM but I feel like that is turning around. I feel better all day now when I get more sleep and I think training in PM might be better for my overall health and fitness goals.

November 1, 2011

Tuesday Training

A) High Bar Back Squat with Chains @ 30X2; 5-7 reps, rest 3 mins x 3
B) BB Split Squat @ 32X2, 5 Reps, rest 1 min b/t legs x 5
C) Prowler Push (200#) 40 Meters, rest 2 mins x 6 - Hard and Fast

A) 175x5/185x5/175x5 + Chains for all - Focused on keeping chest up and high bar position
B) 95# BB for all x 5
C) Complete

Felt pretty good with the high bar position. Didn't go crazy with the weight, instead I focused on the tempo and keeping my posture tight throughout the movement.