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February 29, 2012

Ankle Sprain

Suffered a nasty ankle sprain last week, Thursday, at work. If you've never worn Classic Style golf spikes before its a lot like wearing High Heels..(not that I know.. I just asked Magner) They aren't very comfortable and are very hard to maneuver in. I was stepping off the last step and about to turn right off of my left foot, which was on a slight decline away from me.. I caught the edge of my shoe and all of my weight was on that same foot which came crashing down sideways.. I heard the loudest pop/snap and immediately felt pain. Luckily, it was only one of the ligaments in my ankle and not all three.. The PT thinks I may have stressed the other two, but only one was seriously torn. He seemed hopefully for a quick recovery since I had good strength and flexibility with my ankle to begin with.. As long as I ice and rest it properly I should be able to start to load it in a week or two using stretch bands, with a max 6 weeks out until I can do quick change of directions stuff or Olympic Lifting.
So that pretty much took me out of the open.. It was a rough weekend mentally.. I hate that something so F'ing stupid has put me on the sidelines during this competition. So after I whined about it and threw myself a pity party, which you better believe included some ice cream. I spent last night trying to get my mind right and get back on track. Kristen and I were writing down and thinking about what exercises I could do and we came up with a program to strength up some of my upper body and core weaknesses while my ankle heals.. Mostly all Pulling and Pushing movements with a lot of core thrown in. I want my Weighted Pull Ups, OH Shoulder Press, and Bench Press to really get strong during this time away from lower body. I will also be doing some proprioceptive work for ankle as well as normal rehab stuff.

In other news... We added a new member to our family, our puppy Cody! He has really been amazing to have around and is one of the funniest, most well mannered dogs I've ever seen. It really helped to have him around this weekend to take my mind off of the ankle and the Open.

We planned out a 4 Day Programming which I will just repeat for the next couple of weeks or until I get the ok to start loading up my legs and ankle flexion. I'll be using a linear progression or changing the reps and set + vary the tempo of certain movements.

A) Stand Shoulder Press 5x5 (test ankle first to see how weight feels overhead)
B1) Incline DB Fly; 3 x 8-10 @ 3010
B2) Strict Ring Dips; 3 x 8
C) Close Grip Slow Push Ups; 3 x 10 @ 30X0
Core Complex - :20 Iso Hold GHD Situp Parallel to ground, rest :10/:30/side of Side Planks and :10 rest x 3 rounds

A: 115 x 5/ 125 x 5/ 135 x 5 x 3 sets
B1) 25lbs x 10/10/8
B2) 8/4-4/3-2-1-1-1
C and Core Complex Complete

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