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July 28, 2011

Friday Training and Diet Day 17

-Back and Calves-
A: Bent over BB Row (squeeze scaps together); 10,8,6,6  @ 3211; rest 3 min.
B1: Wide grip strict chin @ 2010; 4 sets of 8-10; no rest
B2: Narrow grip lat pull down @ 2010; 4 sets of 15-20; rest 2 minutes.
C: Standing; 3 sets lasting 2 min. each @ 2010; rest 90 sec. b/t sets

1st Cycle
A: 155/165/175/185 w/ straps
B1: 8bwt/8bwt broken/8 -20/ 8 -40
B2: 105 x 15/ 90 x 15/ 75 x 20/ 75 x 20
C: Done on a smith rack with the bar only on a 4-6" step

2nd Cycle
A: 155/170/180/195 w/ straps
B1: 8ub/5-3/4-2-2/8ub -30#
B2: All at 90# 20/15/15/15
C: 63/66/70
D: 3 sets of 20 Back Ext.

3rd Cycle
A: 135/155/175/175 no straps
B1: 8/6-2/4-3-1/4-4 a
B2: 90# x 20/15/15/15
C: 10# each side on Smith - 74/66/64
D: Back Ext 100 reps in as few sets as possible - 40/30/30

Decided not to use the wrist straps.. Your only as strong as the weight you can hold.. So I might as well drop weight and work grip strength at the same time.

Pre Wod - Cellucor - C4 Extreme (I'll talk about this and some other changes to my diet later today)

Meal 1 (7:30am)
Post Wod - 1 scoop Whey Protein, So Delicious Coconut Milk Unsweetened, Bcaa's & Glutamine + Probiotic and fish oil

Meal 2 (8:45am)
4oz Chicken with a Bag of Cauliflower and Avocado with Tomato Basil Sauce

Meal 3 (11:45pm)
5oz Brite Salmon from TJ's and Sardines in Olive Oil + 2 tbsp EVOO with Mixed Greens

Meal 4 (3:00pm)
BCAA x 2 with Water

Meal 5 (6:00pm)
Ground Bison with Brussels Sprout and Chile Pasilla de Oaxaca Salsa + fish oil

Before Bed - Natural Calm, Glutamine and Probiotic

Calories: 2,013
Protein: 160g
Fat: 48g from pure Fat sources EVOO and Avocado -I didn't add to it the fat in my protein (bison, sardines etc)
Carb: 74g
Fiber: 47g

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