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July 8, 2011

Friday Training and Diet Day 19

A: Wtd supinated chins @ 10 1 X 1,3-6; rest 3 minutes  X 5.
B: DB Romanian Dead Lift @ 20X1; 8-10; rest 2 min. X 3.
C: Leg Curl Machine; 20 reps @ moderate load (dorsiflex feet); rest 1 min.
X 3
D: Hanging leg raise  10-12 controlled; rest 1 minute X 3

A: 4 x 25#/ 3 x 25#/ 3 x 25#/ 3 x 25#/ 4 x 12#
B: 40#/50#/60#
C: All sets at 85# x 20
D: Hanging Knees to Elbows 10/10/9

A: These were very hard.. especially the third rep.. I had enough muscle endurance to bang out 2 good reps strict, but man that third or fourth rep was tough to get my chin up.. 10 seconds down is Brutal!!
B: I wasn't sure how my back was gonna hold up under weight this morning.. so I didn't push this. Next time I will start at around 60# and build for 3 challenging heavy sets.
D: Pulled myself up to 90 degrees and from there did strict, no swinging knees to elbows trying to curl my butt up at the top so my back was parallel to the ground. Very rough, came to a complete solid hollow position in the bottom to make sure I wasn't kipping up. Failed my last set on the 9th rep.. not sure if it was core or arm fatigued.. these just hurt. BUT I Love all this ab stuff Anthony has been programming! Never had a six pack before so that is a vanity goal of mine.

Post Wod Solution of Whey Protein, Creatine and Bcaa's (8:15am)

Meal 1 (9:10 - 9:30pm)
4 Hard Boiled Eggs with Avocado and Salsa

Meal 2 (Noon - 12:30pm)
5oz Salmon with Mixed Greens, Cucumbers, and Mushrooms with Dijon/Apple Cider Vinegar

Meal 3
Ground Beef with Cauliflower and Rao's Arrabbiata Sauce

Nutritional Facts based off of
Total Calories: 1,590
Total Protein: 150
Total Fat: 69
Total Net Carb: 49

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