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September 25, 2011

Sunday Training and Diet

Had a very slow day at work yesterday.. Hit my normal workout in the morning and was feeling pretty good after. Had a lot of energy. Went to work, did the few lessons that I had and then started searching the crossfit website.. I actually found a crossfit gym had just opened up recently about 10 minutes away from me and they had open gym hours from 2-4pm. So I decided to go check it out and maybe do a little something while I was there.. nice people, nice place, typical crossfit program.. No thought, just the "how can I kill my clients today" type training. No way I will ever go back or sign up for classes, but perhaps go for the open gym hours and just do some fun stuff. So I got in, talked to the owners for a little bit and they agreed to let me do some Snatch work. I told them, I've been working out in a Hotel gym all summer long and haven't put any weight overhead since I got here in fear of dropping it and being kicked out. So I started doing some power snatch, just light weight, 3 reps, Hang Power Snacth etc.. Then Started doing some full Snacth work and it felt amazing. I never felt so strong in the bottom before.. I really felt like I could have stood up with anything. So I started increasing the weight and by the end of the hour I hit 190 x 3 Squat Snatch. That's a big personal best for me. And for someone who has not practiced this technical movement in a long time, I was freaking pumped! I lost a few out in front like always.. I know my form needs some serious TLC, but I never felt stronger in first pull and at the bottom standing up with the weight. Very excited to get back to Redline and start working with coach again on some O-Lifts and start putting some weight overhead! One week left at work! One or two weeks in Altoona and then Naples.. Here I come!

30 Minutes on the Bike this morning in Z1 Fasted.

Post Wod (6:30am)
Glutamine and Bcaa's

Meal 1 (10:00am) 16 Hour Fast
5 Egg Omelet with 3oz of Bison and Onions

Meal 2 (1:30pm)
Organic Ground Turkey and Collard Greens with Tomato Sauce

Meal 3 (4:30pm)
6oz Chicken with Roasted Broccoli & Avocado Slices

Protein: 21
Fat: 43
Net Carbs: 3

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