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June 27, 2011

Monday Training and Diet Day 8

AM: Run ( preferably outside) for 35 minutes at sustainable pace. Stop if
you have to but do not count rest time toward 30 minute total. If you can,
monitor your avg. heart rate and distance traveled.

PM: Tabata sit ups; rest 3 minutes
      Tabata Push Ups; rest 3 minutes
      Tabata Squats

Slept like shit last night.. Noisy neighbors... woke up feeling groggy and sluggish, but I got some coffee in me and once I got to the gym and got into my running warm up, I started feeling better.
Fasted Run for 35 minutes complete.
3 miles
Avg HR - 164

Sit Ups- 12/11/10/9 stopped*
Push Ups- 19/12/8/5/5/6/5/5
Squats- 18/15/15/13/11/11/11/12

* Cramped up again on the sit ups and could not continue.. any sort of situp like motion and my lower abs would lock up.. Unbelievably uncomfortable.. This happens every time I do any high rep fast pace situp.
Pushups - its amazing how fast the lactic acid builds in my chest.. I burned through the first set of 19 easy.. 12 ok.. then 8 and on was a freaking struggle! Very slow and painful.. Same for the squats.. hip flexors were shot by the end.. Man I forgot how uncomfortable and painful tabata workouts can be!

Had no appetite today.. Didn't really feel like eating again after my 2nd meal, which took me about an hour to eat. It wasn't a huge meal I just took my time chewing and enjoyed it. Pretty full so no 3rd meal today.

Meal 1 (9:15 - 9:35am) Post Run
Egg, Turkey and Kale Loaf with Salsa

Meal 2 (4:00 - 5:00 pm) Post Wod
Ground Bison with Brussels Sprouts and Chile Pasilla de Oaxaca Salsa

Nutritional Facts based off of
Total Calories: 965
Total Protein: 112
Total Fat: 23
Total Net Carb: 40


  1. That quick drop off in reps is directly related to fueling. You have been training specifically using creatine phosphate as a fuel source. The tabata's hit you hard and required your lactate system to provide fuel which it is not prepared for. Don't sweat it, this was expected.

  2. Yea I kinda figured that was gonna happen.. just gotta figure out what is going on with my situps!! Tabata sucks but thanks for programming them in.. wouldn;t mind seeing more of this kind of stuff but I;m still loving this strength training! Gains have been fast and cheap
