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June 5, 2011

Sunday Training and Diet Day 118

A: Bench Press @ 20X1; 12-15; rest 3 minutes X 4.
B: Anchored Situps 25; rest 45 seconds X 4
- Run and increase speed so that you are at top speed at @ 10 seconds. Rest walk for 3 minutes X 6


A: 135 x 15/155 x 12/155 x 12/ 135 x 12
B: 3 sets.. I keep getting the worse cramps in my lower abdomen when I do these anchored high rep sit ups..
C: Complete

Been doing a bit more digging on Intermittent Fasting and its effect on the body. While it might be great for some and I'm not saying its not right for me.. I just don't think its the best thing for my schedule at this time. I tend to do much better with Breakfast, Lunch, PWOD Meal, and a Dinner.. I feel like I can control cortisol levels better this way and also try not to stress myself out with thoughts on when can eat my next meal, am I getting enough Protein, Carbs etc..  Its just starting to stress me out and make me even more neurotic about my food then I already am!
What do I already know about trying to get and stay lean vs. what stress can do to my body?
Cortisol Accumulation can cause fat storage in the midsection. Also, higher cortisol levels can actually decrease my Testosterone levels, or at least the ratio will be unfavorable, and that's the last thing I want..
So I could be doing more harm than good right now by fasting everyday for 17 hours. I will start to add in some fat in the AM for the satiating response I get from Fat and keep the protein fast going until meal 1 around noon. This will keep autophagy ( is a catabolic process involving the degradation of a cell's own components through the lysosomal machinery. It is a tightly-regulated process that plays a normal part in cell growth, development, and homeostasis, helping to maintain a balance between the synthesis, degradation, and subsequent recycling of cellular products. It is a major mechanism by which a starving cell reallocates nutrients from unnecessary processes to more-essential processes.) turned on so I can still take advantage of the fasting mechanisms that are at work, but also make sure I'm not starving or stressing my body so much with a full 17 hour no food fast that my body starts to actually eat away at protein and muscle instead of just burning away my body fat. For me its all about controlling cortisol levels to get back to my desired level of leanness and fasting puts some serious stress on my body and my mind. My body doesn't know when its going to get its next meal and sometimes I'll end up overeating just because I'm so stressed or nervous.  So I should be more productive during the course of the day now that I wont have to think about when I'm going to eat my next meal and how much protein am I getting in today etc... This should eliminate the situation I had yesterday, where I had to scarf down two meals at one sitting and couldn't properly digest because I didn't have a lot of time between lessons. I was trying to stuff as much food in belly as I could in very short amount of time. No conducive for proper digestion and absorption.

So that's my rant for today and my "flavor of the week" diet change. I'm sorry Anthony, I'm probably driving you nuts with all this tinkering but I'm just trying to find something that works for me and my schedule and is also beneficial to my health and training. I'm also going to increase calories slightly on training days.. not much, just up to 2,000+ cals compared to non training days which will be around 1500+ Sounds good in theory, lets see how it pans out in practice! I will probably end up throwing in some fasts but it wont be everyday and will be "INTERMITTENT."

--Anthony any thoughts, concerns or comments? Does this all make sense?

AM with BCAA/Creatine Solution

Meal 1 (7:45am)
I can of Organic Lite Coconut Milk

Meal 2 (Noon - 12:30pm)
Egg, Beef, and Spinach Loaf with Avocado and Salsa

Post Wod BCAA and Creatine Solution
Meal 3 (3:45 - 4:00pm)
Chicken and Pumpkin Puree (50gP/10gC)

Meal 4 (6:10 - 6:50pm)
Beef, Broccoli and Cauliflower Blend, Onions and Salsa Verde

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 1,948
Total Protein: 153
Total Fat:  105
Total Net Carb: 55

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