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June 21, 2011

Tuesday Training and Diet Day 2

A: Press Cluster; rest 3 minutes X 5 (10 sec. b/t reps).
B: Back Squat @ 20X1; 12-10-8-6; Rest 3 minutes b/t sets
C: Leg Ext machine @ 30X2; 10-12 rest 90 sec.  X 3. (Vary toe position)
D: Anchored sit up (slow lower) X 20; rest 1 minute X  3.

Results - AM Fasted Training
A: 115/120/125/135/140
B: 155/185/205/225 all on tempo
C: 100 x 10 x 3 sets toes out/in/square on tempo
D: Complete @ 3 seconds down

A: I switched my grip to a more narrow grip (hands basically directly in front of shoulders in the rack and right on top of the shoulders overhead) and I had shit load more power on  my press.. Didn't think about this before but its probably a lot more powerful to push up in straight line than take a wide grip and have a slight outward push.  I think if I had this grip yesterday I could have pressed heavier on my 1RM.

B:  I should have started heavier at the 12 rep range, felt like I could hit 16-18.. around 165-175#, all other sets were just about right.. maybe one more rep at each weight. Squat is feeling great at the moment and I can see a big difference in the definition in my legs from doing all the single leg work. Never had the VMO show like this before. I'm starting to like all these Mirrors in the gym :)

Meal 1 (8:50 - 9:25am)
took my time and enjoyed every bite, instead just hurrying to get to the next spoonful. "Mindful Eating"
Egg, Beef and Kale Loaf with Avocado and Salsa

Meal 2 (Noon - 12:30pm)
Baked Chicken, Mixed Greens, Cucumber and Mushrooms

Meal 3 (5:35 - 6:30pm)
Beef, Broccoli and Marinara Sauce

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based off
Total Calories: 1,729
Total Protein: 163
Total Fat:  84
Total Net Carb: 41

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