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June 26, 2011

Sunday Training and Diet Day 7

Rest Day

Woke up and could barely extend my legs.. my hamstrings are F'in tight!! Spent some time just trying to mobilize and stretch my legs so I would be able to walk.. Lower back is also a little tight for the same reason.. I was going to go for a light run this afternoon but I think I'll just rest up and get ready for my next few days of training.. Proud to say my diet is back on track 100% and I haven't even had a thought of eating "junk food." Sometime I wonder why I even do, I feel incredible when I'm on track with my training and diet.. I don't need it at all, it only makes me feel like shit both physically and mentally. So that was one good week in... now onward to the next week.

Word of the Day - KAIZEN (brought to you by Coach Anthony) - Japanese for "improvement" or "change for the better." Usually this term is used to refer to business productivity but I am using it to describe my own self improvement.. The more I learn and understand about myself and the human body, the more powerful I become. But the biggest issue for me has been learning to take what I know about myself, training, food, and how the body operates and apply it to myself in way that helps me be productive and not go into "paralysis by analysis".. Being a very analytical person, I tend to over think every little thing about my sleep, training, food etc.. its scary sometimes.. If you were to switch brains with me for a day and live my thoughts you'd wonder I how I get anything done.. But with some good advice from some friends, I'm learning how to relax and not stress about the little things.. Now my training doesn't feel like work but its enjoyable! I'm not sitting around thinking about when I should eat my next meal, how I should time it with my training, or when did I eat my last meal and should I wait to eat the next meal  to keep a fast going, or how much of what macronutrient should I eat at breakfast if I train beforehand or should I fast until lunch on rest days yada yada yada... (its exhausting and yea its like that all the time) I just need to relax and eat when I'm hungry and if I'm not then don't, its not rocket science.. Train, have fun and focus on recovery, rest and most importantly work. Work is my focus, I'm not training to become a games competitor, I training for improved health and for fun, so why do I let take over my life. Its supposed to be enjoyable, so that's how I am going to treat it.

Meal 1 (7:45 - 8:10am)
Egg, Turkey and Kale Loaf with Avocado and Salsa

Meal 2 (Noon - 12:30pm)
6oz Baked Chicken with Mixed Greens, Cucumbers, Mushrooms and Apple Cider Vinegar

Meal 3 (5:45 - 6:30pm)
8oz Bison, Brussel Sprouts and Rao's Arrabbiata Sauce

Nutritional Facts based off of
Total Calories: 1,584
Total Protein: 170
Total Fat: 57
Total Net Carb: 45

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