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May 7, 2011

Saturday Training and Diet Day 89

-Skill & Mobility-
A) Snacth Practice for 10 Minutes: All Varieties - Power, Squat, Balance, Pulls, Hang etc.. No Heavy Reps
B) DeadLift @ 2222; 8 sets of 2; rest :45 Mod Load controlling the weight throughout the movement
C) HSPU: 2 Every :30 for 5 minutes - work Depth and Speed
D) Dbl Und - 20 Unroken - AMRAP in 3 mins

A) Used 95# and 135# for a variety of different snatches. Here are a few videos
95# Power Snatch and 2 Position Hang Power Snatch -
95# Squat Snatch -
135# Power Snatch -
B) Used 275 for all sets x 2 reps at tempo -
Looks to me like hips are way to high. Not taking advantage of that hip to upper body lever. Thoughts??
C) Completed Head to Floor
D) 5 sets - forearms got smoked very early. I need to get my double unders back.. Its been a while since I've done them.. Gonna put them into my warmup from now on.
Just a side note for the record and for Anthony.. Unless I state otherwise, here are the supplements I am taking everyday:

With Every meal - 3 Digestive Enzymes
When I wake up or (Pre WOD Fasted) - BCAA + Creatine (1 tsp each)
Before Breakfast - Sometype of Probiotic in the form of Fermented Food (sauerkraut, kombucha, kim chi etc- raw and organic)
At Breakfast - 2 Fish Oil DHA Pills
Pre WOD or (Before Lunch) - BCAA (1 tsp)
Post WOD - BCAA - Creatine (1 tsp each)
With Dinner/ Before Bed - Natural Calm (1 tsp)
EXTRAS -  On occassion I will drop in some seaweed veggies for the Iodine properties. Also, I'll mix in some Organ meats with  my meals. No need for Vitamin D as I work outside for most of the day.

8oz Green Tea

6oz Pastured Chicken Breast Baked, 4oz Mixed Greens,10oz Cucumber, 4oz Mushrooms, 2 tbsp Avocado Oil + Apple Cider Vinegar

Lunch Post Wod
8oz Grassfed Ground Lamb,  2 Bags of Cauliflower , 4oz Onions

Sushi Thai of Naples
Sashimi Mori - 10oz of Mixed Sashimi + 12oz Seaweed Salad w/ Guacamole and Salsa

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 2,135
Total Protein: 120
Total Fat: 86
Total Net Carb: 54