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April 14, 2011

Thursday Training and Diet Day 66

Before I start up with my Normal Blog post, I just have a few notes to add to yesterday. So I went to Chipotle Grill for the first time in my life and I gotta say.. IT WAS FANTASTIC,!! Changed the way I look at fast food. I will make this a once a week lunch/dinner spot. maybe less.. It depends on how lazy I am that day and if I feel like cooking. I've been so clean and smart with my food choices for the past few months that I almost consider this a "Cheat Meal" just because my meat isn't grassfed. But trust me, in NO WAY do I feel bad about this cheat meal like I would if it were Ice Cream and a Jar of Almond Butter like the old days (3 months ago).

On another note:
I have noticed that I have a bad habit of eating all or most of my meals in front of the TV. When I do this, I actually forget how much I'm actually eating and I'm more focused on the show than chewing my food. The last causes a big problem for my digestion.. So from now on I am going to make a conscience effort to eat every meal I can with the TV, Radio, etc OFF and chew my food to an almost liquid form. Last night I enjoyed my Chipotle Bowl outside by the pool and soaked in some extra Vitamin D. When I got back inside and looked at the clock, 45 mins had gone by. I was shocked.. I was so focused on chewing my food completely and enjoying the beautiful Naples Afternoon that I had no clue almost and hour had flew by. That night I actually slept better and I have no doubt it was due to the fact that it was much easier for me to digest my dinner. We'll call this "Attentive Eating".. its actually a form of meditation.

And now.. on to my regularly scheduled Programming

A) DB Split Squat: 8-10 @ 30X0; 1 min. rest b/t Legs x 4 sets
B1) Shoulder Press: 6-8 @ 12X2; 1 min. rest
B2) L - Pullup AMRAP with varied grips; 2 mins. rest x 5 sets
C) GH Raises: 15 @ 2010; 45 sec. rest x 4 sets

A) 30# DB/Hand - 10/10/8/8
B1) 95x8/105x6 for 3 sets/100x7
B2) 6 - sup. neut./6 - sup. narrow/ 5 - sup. wide/5 - pro. Neut/ 5 - Sup narrow
C) Complete unbroken on tempo

5oz of Ground Pastured Chicken Thigh, 1 Bag of Asparagus, Salsa

6oz Wild Caught Sockeye Salmon Baked, 4oz Mixed Greens, 8oz Cucumber, 4oz Mushrooms, 3 tbsp Avocado Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar

7oz Grassfed Bison, 4oz Onions, 2 Bags of Cauliflower + Salsa Verde

Macro Nutrient Breakdown based of
Total Calories: 1,844
Total Protein: 158
Total Fat: 107
Total Net Carb: 38

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