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April 18, 2011

Video of Sundays Technique Work

A few clips of yesterday Skill/Technique work. When I look at the Power Snatch, I see my self starting to rotate early in my Power Snatch and the forces the bar away.. instead of shrugging up and keeping the bar tight.. Any Thoughts??

1 comment:

  1. I already covered this with you Nick but for the benefit of your readers I will comment here too. In the first and second C&J clip, If you look at where the bar is when you begin you second pull, you will see it is a few inches above your knee. On the scoop this pushes the bar out beyond the area of your base (toes)and pulls you forward to catch it. It should be at least at mid thigh, Burgerner would say pockets. This will allow the double knee bend to happen and put you into a more powerful jumping position. This means more patience on your part. Also check out the subtle difference in the timing of your landing and the bar settling over head in the two different snatch set ups. The chest up position produces a better result.
